Implementasi Desentralisasi Kebijakan Melalui Strategi Pemanfaatan Dana Desa
The Village Fund was launched by the Central Government in 2015 since the enactment of Village Law No. 6 of 2014. Village funds are transferred by the Central Government directly. Permendesa PDTT also prepared a set of assessment tools, namely the Indeks Desa Membangun (IDM) to classify village classes based on the value of independence status. In 2022, the district with the highest IDM status in DIY Province is occupied by Kalurahan Purwomartani. Meanwhile, the district with the lowest IDM status is occupied by Kaligintung Village. The contrast of the data was made based on two main objectives of the study: 1) Identifying a comparison of the implementation of decentralization of Village Fund utilization policies with contrasting IDM values, 2) Assessing the comparative impact of decentralization implementation on village development through Village Fund utilization strategies. This study used qualitative descriptive research design. The method carried out is a semi-structured interview method, observation, and documentation. Data is processed through the process of data condensation, data display, and data verification so that conclusions can be drawn. The analysis tools used are Content Analysis and Logical Framework Analysis (LFM). The results of LFM identification carried out vertical and horizontal logic assessments. The results showed that the contrasting differences in independence status could not but fully represent the process of implementing decentralization of village fund policies in each district. The variation of pamong capacity factors, relationships between stakeholders, village fund regulations, and environmental factors are important factors that affect the implementation of decentralization. Meanwhile, the decentralization of village fund policy has an impact on stimulating village activities, which are assessed for their effectiveness and efficiency in the development and empowerment of rural communities.
Kata Kunci : implementasi, dampak, desentralisasi, dana desa