TINGKAT MATURASI GIGI PASIEN ANAK SINDROM DOWN USIA 5-15 TAHUN DI RSGM PROF SOEDOMO FKG UGM (Analisis dengan metode Demirjian dan modifikasi metode Demirjian untuk suku Jawa )
BHINTARI AYU AGUSTINA, drg. Sri Kuswandari, MS., Sp.KGA(K)., Ph.D
2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Klinik
Kelainan kromosom 21 pada anak Sindrom Down menyebabkan keterlambatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, termasuk maturasi gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis tingkat maturasi gigi pasien anak Sindrom Down usia 5 - 15 tahun di RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo dengan metode Demirjian dan modifikasi metode Demirjian untuk suku Jawa.
Radiograf panoramik dari 19 pasien Sindrom Down usia 5-15 tahun yang datang ke RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo antara Januari 2023 – Mei 2024, dilakukan penilaian maturasi gigi dengan metode Demirjian. Berdasarkan usia kronologis dilakukan prediksi maturasi gigi anak normal modifikasi Demirjian suku Jawa dari Kuswandari (2014) sebagai pembanding. Data dikelompokan menjadi 3 berdasarkan usia kronologis 5 - 9 tahun, 9,1 - 12 tahun dan 12,1 – 15 tahun. Data di analisis dengan uji non parametrik Wilcoxon SPSS 26 version.
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Chromosomal abnormalities on chromosome 21 in children with Down syndrome cause delays in growth and development, including dental maturation. The aim of this study was to analyze the dental maturation levels of Down syndrome patients aged 5-15 years at RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo using the Demirjian method and a modified Demirjian method for Javanese ethnicity.
Panoramic radiographs of 19 Down syndrome patients aged 5-15 years who visited RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo between January 2023 and May 2024 were assessed for dental maturation using the Demirjian method. Based on chronological age, dental maturation predictions for normal children were compared using the modified Demirjian method for Javanese ethnicity, as proposed by Kuswandari (2014). Data were grouped into three age categories: 5-9 years, 9.1-12 years, and 12.1-15 years. Non-parametric Wilcoxon tests were performed using SPSS version 26.
The research findings indicate that the mean () dental maturation scores of Down syndrome children were significantly lower (p<0>
In conclusion, dental maturation in Down syndrome children aged 5-15 years at RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo is slower compared to maturation based on the Demirjian method and modified Demirjian method for Javanese ethnicity.
Kata Kunci : Sindrom Down, maturasi gigi, metode Demirjian