Korelasi Skor ACR O-RADS MRI Massa Ovarium dan Fitur Radiologi dengan Kadar CA-125 Serum
Arif Nur Ardianto Nugroho Aji, Dr. dr. Lina Choridah Sp.Rad (K) PRP; dr. Anita Ekowati Sp.Rad(K) TR
2024 | Tesis-Spesialis | S2 Radiologi
Latar Belakang : Penggunaan MRI dalam diagnosis kanker ovarium semakin meningkat. Salah satu sistem pelaporan MRI yang direkomendasikan adalah American College of Radiology O-RADS MRI (skor 1 hingga 5) dimana skor 1 merupakan ovarium normal, skor 2 hampir pasti jinak (PPV <0>
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi skor ACR O-RADS MRI dan fitur radiologi gambaran pada MRI dengan kadar CA-125
Metode : Penelitian cross sectional dengan data sekunder pasien dengan massa ovarium yang menjalani pemeriksaan MRI pelvis kontras, pemeriksaan patologi anatomi pasca operasi dan kadar CA-125 di RSUP Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta periode Desember 2021 hingga Desember 2023. Seluruh data yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi diambil kemudian dilakukan analisis statistik dengan uji korelasi Spearman.
Hasil : Dari 58 subyek penelitian mempunyai median usia 43 tahun, rentang usia 20- 66 tahun. Sebagian besar subyek penelitian yaitu 40 subyek ( 70,2 %) belum menopause, 30 subyek ( 51.7 %) belum pernah melahirkan, 53 subyek ( 91.4%) tidak pernah menggunakan alat kontrasepsi hormonal, dan 53 subyek ( 91.4%) tidak merokok. Pada uji Spearman terdapat hubungan lemah antara skor O-RADS MRI dengan kadar CA-125 ( p < 0>bright, DWI restricted, implantasi peritoneum, ascites, mural nodul, proyeksi papiler, kista multilokuler) dengan hasil patologi anatomi.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi skor O-RADS MRI dengan kadar CA-125, terdapat korelasi fitur bright DWI dengan kadar CA-125, terdapat korelasi hasil patologi anatomi dan kadar CA-125 serta terdapat korelasi pada fitur radiologi dengan hasil patologi anatomi.
Background: The application of MRI for ovarian cancer diagnosis is increasing. One of recommended MRI reporting system is American College of Radiology O-RADS MRI. Ovarian mass where score 1 is a normal ovary, score 2 is almost certainly benign (PPV <0>
Objective: This study aims to determine the correlation of O-RADS MRI score and radiologic feature with the CA-125 level
Methods: Cross-sectional study with secondary data on patients with ovarian masses who underwent contrast pelvic MRI examination, CA-125 level and anatomical pathology examination at Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta General Hospital for the period December 2021 to December 2023. All data that met the inclusion criteria was taken and then analyzed with Spearman correlation test.
Results : From 58 subjects, the median age was 43 years, the age range was 20-66 years. Most of the research subjects, 40 subjects (70.2%) had not yet had menopause, 30 subjects (51.7%) had never given birth, 53 subjects (91.4%) had never used hormonal contraceptives, and 53 subjects (91.4%) did not smoke. In the Spearman test, there was a weak correlation between O-RADS MRI scores and CA-125 levels (p < 0>
Conclusion: There is a correlation between O-RADS MRI scores and CA-125 levels, there is a correlation between bright DWI features and CA-125 levels, there is a correlation between anatomical pathology results and CA-125 levels and there is a correlation between radiological features and anatomical pathology results.
Kata Kunci : kanker ovarium, ACR O-RADS MRI, fitur radiologi, CA-125, patologi anatomi