Maria Astisari Rainald Rafe, drh. Dyah Ayu Widiasih, Ph. D ; drh. M. Th. Khrisdiana Putri, M.P., Ph. D
2024 | Tesis | S2 Sain Veteriner
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a transboundary viral disease of cattle and buffalo caused by lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV). Rapid and aggressive spread of LSD virus to various organs, preference for skin, and shedding in the mucosa after infection occurs. The spread of the virus in meat from cattle with clinical or subclinical symptoms can cause concern for the public to consume the meat. According to the World Organisation for Animal Health, LSD is not zoonotic but the safety impact on beef and offal products is unknown. This study aims to determine the quality and nutritional profile of meat and the distribution of LSD virus in tissues from confirmed lumpy skin disease (LSD) cattle, as well as evaluate the application of halal butchers' hygiene to the slaughter of LSD cattle.
Meat samples were collected from 6 cattle that showed clinical symptoms of skin nodules and scabs. Tissue samples were taken from the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and spleen, as well as parts of the meat located near and far from the lesions to determine the distribution of LSD virus. Detection and distribution of LSD virus by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), examination of meat quality and nutrition including organoleptic test, early decay test, and proximate analysis.
The PCR test results showed 4 positive meat samples characterised by the presence of amplicons with a size of 192 bp. Lung, heart, kidney, liver, and spleen samples showed negative PCR results. Normal organoleptic test results include bright red colour, typical beef aroma, medium texture, chewy consistency, and pH value of 6.2. The results of the early decay test showed that all samples had not experienced early decay. Proximate analysis results showed protein content of 24.89%, water 73.02%, fat 2.22%, and ash 0.98%. Halal butchers's attitude and practice of slaughtering LSD cattle that pay less attention to sanitary hygiene is due to low knowledge related to LSD disease, handling and slaughtering cattle with LSD symptoms.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that LSD-confirmed beef is still suitable for consumption, supported by nutritional content (protein, fat, ash and water) that still meets the standards. The low knowledge of halal butchers resulted in less effective attitude and hygiene practices in slaughtering LSD cattle. This may be a risk factor for LSD disease transmission.
Kata Kunci : Lumpy skin disease (LSD), deteksi LSD, kualitas daging, nutrisi, higiene