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Keberlanjutan Usahatani Padi pada Berbagai Ragam Budidaya di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Ikhsan Adi Pratama, Ir. Any Suryantini, MM, Ph.D; Dr. Hani Perwitasari, S.P., M.Sc.

2024 | Tesis | S2 Ekonomi Pertanian

Krisis pangan saat ini sudah menjadi ancaman serius bagi umat manusia. Masalah lain seperti perubahan iklim, persoalan pupuk, persoalan regenerasi petani, dan penggunaan input kimia yang berlebihan di tingkat produsen mengancam keberlanjutan di bidang pertanian. Keberlanjutan praktik pertanian di kalangan petani masih perlu dipertanyakan karena masih sedikitnya jumlah petani organik di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui tingkat profitabilitas dan keberlanjutan usahatani padi dan mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan usahatani padi pada berbagai ragam budidaya di Yogyakarta. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Bantul dan Sleman dengan 90 responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan analisis profitabilitas, Rice Check, MDS-RAPFISH dan regresi tobit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keuntungan relatif usahatani menggunakan R/C Ratio menunjukkan bahwa usahatani padi organik memiliki nilai 1.50, diikuti semi-organik 1.36 dan non-organik 1.20. Nilai profitabilitas ketiganya lebih besar daripada suku bunga deposito (2.5%). Usahatani padi organik memiliki tingkat profitabilitas tertinggi (91,99%), diikuti non-organik (74,46%), dan semi-organik (70,66%). Usahatani padi organik memiliki skor Rice Check rata – rata sebesar 73,59%, padi non organik 59,27?n padi semi organik 56,39%. Usahatani padi organik secara multidimensi dari hasil analisis RAPFISH memiliki nilai 62,93 (cukup berkelanjutan), padi non organik 52,23 (cukup berkelanjutan) dan padi semi organik 54,90 (cukup berkelanjutan). Faktor pendidikan, frekuensi penyuluhan, penggunaan GAP, keaktifan dalam kelompok tani, kepemilikan lahan dan jenis budidaya berpengaruh secara positif atau dapat dikatakan dapat berpeluang meningkatkan keberlanjutan usahatani padi pada berbagai ragam budidaya di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. 

The current food crisis is a serious threat to humanity. Other issues such as climate change, fertilizer issues, farmers' regeneration issues, and the use of excessive chemical input at producer level threaten sustainability in agriculture. The sustainability of agricultural practices among farmers remains to be questioned as there is still a small number of organic farmers in Indonesia. The objective of this research is to know the level of profitability and sustainability of padi use and to find out the factors that affect the sustainability in various varieties of cultivation in Yogyakarta. The location of the research was carried out in Bantul and Sleman districts with 90 respondents. Analytical methods used profitability analysis, Rice Check, MDS-RAPFISH and tobit regression. The results of the study showed the relative benefit of using R/C Ratio showed that organic rice has a value of 1.50, followed by 1.36 semi-organic and 1.20 nonorganic. The three kinds of cultivation profitability value is higher than the interest rate of deposit (2.5%). Organic has the highest profitability rate (91.99%), followed by non-organic (74.46%), and semi- organic (70.66%). The organic has an average Rice Check score of 73.59%, nonorganic 59.27% and semi organic 56.39%. Multidimensional organic rice cultivation from the RAPFISH analysis results has a value of 62.93 (quite sustainable), non-organic rice 52.23 (quite sustainable) and semi-organic rice 54.90 (quite sustainable).The educational factors, the frequency of dissemination, the use of GAPs, the activity in rural groups, land ownership and the type of cultivation have influenced positively or may be said to have the opportunity to improve the sustainability of the cultivation of peas in various cultivation in the Yogyakarta Special Region.

Kata Kunci : Keberlanjutan, Usahatani Padi, Organik

  1. S2-2024-486677-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-486677-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-486677-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-486677-title.pdf