Studi Sifat Mekanis Komposit Hibrid Epoksi/Serat Daun Nanas/Serat Rami/Nanoselulosa
Budi Noviyantoro Fadjrin, Prof. Ir. Kusmono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Mesin
permintaan dan penggunaan bahan baku untuk suku cadang kendaraan otomotif serta
penggunaan bahan baku yang tidak ramah lingkungan merupakan faktor yang cukup
krusial dalam pemenuhan suplai permintaan dalam negeri dan diperlukan
alternatif penggunaan bahan baku yang ramah lingkungan. Oleh karena itu,
diperlukan alternatif yang mempertimbangkan pengurangan sampah plastik,
penggunaan serat alam yang ramah lingkungan dan memperhatikan keberlangsungan
bahan baku untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Komposit hibrid epoksi/serat daun
nanas/serat rami/cellulose nanofibers (CNF) merupakan komposit
yang terbuat dari alam sehingga mempunyai nilai keberlangsungan bahan baku, lebih
ramah lingkungan. Komposit yang terbuat dari serat alam mempunyai kelemahan di
sifat yang hidrofilik suka air. Kelemahan dari serat alam akan diatasi dengan
perlakuan alkali 5 %wt dan penambahan CNF dengan variasi 1; 1.5 dan 2 %wt.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh perlakuan alkali dan
kandungan CNF terhadap sifat mekanis dari komposit hibrid epoksi/serat
rami/serat daun nanas/CNF.
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan alkali meningkatkan sifat mekanis
komposit hibrid epoksi/serat daun nanas/serat rami. Selain itu, penambahan CNF
pada komposit epoksi/serat rami/serat daun nanas meningkatkan sifat mekanis. Kandungan
CNF yang paling optimal diperoleh pada kandungan 1 %wt yang menghasilkan kenaikan
kekuatan tarik sebesar 15,37%, modulus elastisitas sebesar 6,71%, bending sebesar 62,80?n impak sebesar 8,05%. Perlakuan alkali pada serat dan penambahan CNF
pada komposit hibrid menyebabkan kenaikan penyerapan air.
increased demand and use of raw materials in automotive vehicle and not eco-friendly
materials are crucial so the alternative use of environmentally friendly
materials is required. Therefore, alternatives are required to consider the
reduction of plastic waste, the use of environmentally friendly natural fibers,
and sustainable materials to meet these requirements. Hybrid composites based
on epoxy/pineapple leaf fibers/ramie fibers/CNF are composites made from
natural resources so that it has characteristics, like sustainable because it’s
made from raw materials, environmentally friendly. Composites made from natural
fibers have a limitation in hydrophilic properties. This weakness can be
resolved by alkali treatment of 5 %wt and the addition of CNF with variations
of 1; 1.5 and 2 %wt. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of
alkali treatment and CNF content on the mechanical properties of epoxy/ramie
fiber/pineapple leaf fiber/CNF hybrid composites.
materials used in this research were epoxy resin and hardener as a matrix with
reinforcement by pineapple leaf fiber, jute fiber, and commercial CNF. At
first, pineapple leaf fiber and jute fiber were alkali treated by soaking the
fiber in 5 %wt alkali for 2 hours. The fibers were woven with a manual loom to
become unidirectional fiber sheets. Hybrid composites consisting of five fiber
sheets with the arrangement of ramie fiber/pineapple leaf fiber/ramie
fiber/pineapple leaf fiber/ramie fiber mixed with epoxy matrix and added with
CNF content of 1, 1.5; and 2 %wt were made by vacuum infusion method. Furthermore,
the composite was evaluated for mechanical properties with several tests
including tensile, bending, and impact tests. In addition, characterization was
also carried out such as density measurement, XRD, FI-TR and FE-SEM.
results showed that alkali treatment improved the mechanical properties of
epoxy/pineapple leaf fiber/ramie fiber hybrid composites. In addition, the
addition of CNF to epoxy/flax fiber/pineapple leaf fiber composites improved
the mechanical properties. The most optimal CNF content was obtained at 1 %wt
which resulted in an increase in tensile strength by 15.37%, elastic modulus by
6.71%, bending by 62.80% and impact by 8.05%. Alkali treatment of the fibers
and the addition of CNF to the hybrid composite caused an increase in water
Kata Kunci : Komposit hibrid, perlakuan alkali, CNF, sifat mekanis.