Analisis Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Informasi pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Puskesmas Kota Yogyakarta Bagian Selatan
WULANDARI PRABASWORO, Dr. apt. Nanang Munif Yasin, S.Si., M.Pharm
2024 | Skripsi | FARMASI
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. Patient knowledge is a crucial aspect of the complex management of DM. Knowledge was inseparable from the information that patients need to support the management of DM.
This research uses a cross-sectional research design. The sampling technique was done by accidental sampling for patients who visited the community health center in the southern part of Yogyakarta City in January - February 2024, involving 105 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The level of patient’s knowledge was measured by the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ)-24 instrument, while the patient’s information needed was evaluated through a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using the chi-square test and descriptive analytics using SPSS software and presented in percentage table form.
The research results showed that the level of knowledge of DM patients in the southern Yogyakarta City health center was in the moderate category (76.2%) with an average score of 12.3 ± 3.09 from the 24 DKQ-24 questions. The results of the chi-square test showed that there was a relationship between age and level of knowledge (p=0.001). The information that patients need in order of priority from most important to least important are topics related to treatment (ESO), lifestyle (good diet), DM disease (DM risk factors), and related to complications (symptoms of complication). Patients with information needs regarding DM disease, treatment, lifestyle, and complications tend to have moderate knowledge.
Kata Kunci : diabetes, pengetahuan, kebutuhan informasi, puskesmas