SHITA NURWIJAYANTI, Dr. drh. Claude Mona Airin, M.P.
2024 | Skripsi | KEDOKTERAN HEWAN
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah pengunjung (peak season dan low season) terhadap ratio kadar hormon triiodothyronine (T3) dan thyroxine (T4) pada feses kuda betina (Equus caballus) di Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel feses yang dikoleksi tiga kali sehari selama satu minggu saat low dan peak season. Sampel feses dikeringbekukan selama 72 jam dan dilanjutkan dengan proses ekstraksi menggunakan methanol 80% sebelum dilakukan pengukuran kadar hormon T3 dan T4 menggunakan ELISA.
Hasil perhitungan ratio T3/T4 low season terendah 0,42 dengan jumlah pengunjung 2 orang dan ratio T3/T4 tertinggi 1,60 dengan jumlah pengunjung 7 orang. Rasio T3/T4 peak season terendah 0,51 dengan jumlah pengunjung 658 orang dan ratio T3/T4 tertinggi 0,69 dengan jumlah pengunjung 948 orang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan ratio T3/T4 tertinggi terjadi saat low season dengan ratio T3/T4 sebesar 1,60, sedangkan hasil ratio T3/T4 peak season tidak mengalami perubahan yang signifikan. Pada low dan peak season, ratio T3/T4 tertinggi saat siang hari dengan nilai rata-rata ratio T3/T4 secara berturut-turut sebesar 0,98 pada suhu 30,6oC dan 0,64 pada suhu 31,1oC. Hasil analis statistik menunjukkan jumlah pengunjung tidak berpengaruh signifikan (p>0.05) terhadap ratio kadar hormon T3/T4. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah pengunjung tidak memengaruhi ratio kadar hormon T3/T4 kuda betina di Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium baik saat low atau peak season.
This study aims to determine the effect of the number of visitors (peak season and low season) on the ratio of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormone levels in the feces of mares (Equus caballus) at Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium. This study used fecal samples collected three times a day for one week during the low and peak seasons. Fecal samples were frozen for 72 hours and continued with the extraction process using 80% methanol before measuring T3 and T4 hormone levels using ELISA.
The lowest ratio of T3/T4 in low season is 0.42 with 2 visitors and the highest ratio of T3/T4 is 1.60 with 7 visitors. The lowest ratio of T3/T4 in peak season is 0.51 with 658 visitors and the highest ratio of T3/T4 is 0.69 with 948 visitors. The results showed that the highest T3/T4 ratio occurred during the low season with a T3/T4 ratio of 1.60. While the peak season T3/T4 ratio results did not experience significant changes. In the low and peak seasons, the T3/T4 ratio was highest during the day with an average T3/T4 ratio of 0.98 at 30.6oC and 0.64 at 31.1oC, respectively. The results of statistical analysis showed that the number of visitors had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the ratio of T3/T4 hormone levels. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the number of visitors does not affect the ratio of mare T3/T4 hormone levels at Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium either during low or peak season.
Kata Kunci : ELISA, feses, kuda, thyroxine, triiodothyronine