NAUFAL PAWA NAJIB, Dr. Raden Sumiharto, S.Si., M.Kom
Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah
sistem pengisian charging dengan proteksi yang baik dengan pengisian
yang optimal pada cuaca yang tidak maksimal. Sistem ini terdiri dari beberapa
bagian untuk proses charging dengan menggunakan fuzzy logic
controller dan menggunakan metode constant current constant voltage dari
masukan berupa photovoltaic sebesar 100WP serta sistem dapat mengalirkan
daya kepada beban hingga 4 Ampere yang dibagi dalam 2 channel output.
Jika terjadi beberapa kondisi yang tidak normal pada sistem seperti overtemperature,
overcurrent, overvoltage, dan undervoltage sistem akan menonaktifkan
charging dan pengaliran daya ke beban. Beberapa parameter penting pada
arus dan tegangan charging juga dicatat dalam sebuah data logger.
Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah
dilakukan sistem charging yang dibutuhkan dapat mengisi baterai dengan kondisi cuaca
cerah maupun berawan di siang hari dan sore hari dengan nilai ambang batas
minimal pencahayaan sebesar 18,000 lux untuk mencapai daya maksimal charging,
Pengisian baterai (charging) dengan cuaca maksimal dari 13.42 Volt
hingga 14.4 Volt berlangsung selama 3 Jam 11 menit. Pemberian daya menggunakan buck
load memiliki efisiensi tertinggi sebesar 92.17?ngan sistem proteksi
yang dimiliki dengan tingkat response sebesar 100milidetik.
Power Plant (PLTS) is one type of renewable energy-based power plant that is
currently often used by people, especially in tropical regions. In its use,
batteries are used as energy storage when weather conditions are not optimal.
An optimal charging system is needed especially in certain weather conditions
so that the PLTS system can run optimally, previous research on the protection
system contained in several existing charging systems only has overcurrent
protection and a good electrical system should have protection against
overtemperature, overcurrent, overvoltage, and undervoltage.
this research, a charging system with good protection is designed with optimal
charging in non-optimal weather. This system consists of several parts for the
charging process using a fuzzy logic controller and using the constant current
constant voltage method from input in the form of a photovoltaic of 100WP and
the system can deliver power to loads up to 4 Amperes which are divided into 2
output channels. If there are several abnormal conditions in the system such as
overtemperature, overcurrent, overvoltage, and undervoltage the system will
disable charging and power to the load. Some important parameters on charging
current and voltage are also recorded in a data logger.
on the research that has been done, the charging system needed can charge the
battery with sunny or cloudy weather conditions during the day and in the
afternoon with a minimum threshold value of 18,000 lux lighting to achieve
maximum charging power, charging the battery (charging) with maximum weather
from 13.42 Volts to 14.4 Volts lasts for 3 hours 11 minutes. Powering using a
buck load has the highest efficiency of 92.17% with a protection system that is
owned with a response level of 100 milliseconds.
Kata Kunci : charger controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Constant Current Constant Voltage, Photovoltaic, Protection System