PAXIA INAYAH MARYAM, Dr. drh. Claude Mona Airin, M.P.
2024 | Skripsi | KEDOKTERAN HEWAN
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh beban kerja kuda tunggang terhadap kadar tiroksin (T4) pada feses kuda di Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium saat peak season. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel feses kuda (Equus caballus) jantan dan kuda betina yang digunakan sebagai rekreasi kuda tunggang di Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium serta data beban kerja kuda tunggang yang diperoleh dari rekording pembelian tiket naik kuda. Sampel feses dikeringbekukan selama 72 jam, kemudian diekstraksi menggunakan methanol 80?n diukur kadar tiroksin menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kadar T4 feses kuda betina 1 (Basha) tertinggi pada pagi hari 2470,936 ng/gr feses kering dan terendah di siang hari sebesar 670,809 ng/gr feses kering saat beban kerja kuda sebanyak 20 kali. Kuda betina 2 (Montecha) kadar T4 tertinggi pada pagi hari sebesar 2805,745 ng/gr feses kering dan kadar T4 terendah pada pagi hari dengan nilai 1927,027 ng/gr feses kering saat beban kerja kuda sebanyak 15 kali. Kadar T4 feses kuda jantan (Falcon) tertinggi pada pagi hari sebesar 2654,936 ng/gr feses kering dan terendah pada siang hari sebesar 1937,703 ng/gr feses kering saat beban kerja kuda sebanyak 4 kali. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan beban kerja kuda tunggang tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar tiroksin (T4) feses kuda.
This study aims to examine the influence of horseback riding workload on thyroxine (T4) levels in horse feces at Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium during peak season. This study used fecal samples from male horses (Equus caballus) and mares used as recreational riding horses at Mini Zoo Jogja Exotarium as well as data of horseback riding workload obtained from horse ticket purchase records. Feces samples were freeze-dried for 72 hours, then extracted using 80% methanol and thyroxine levels measured using the ELISA method. The results of the study show that T4 levels of feces of female horse 1 (Basha) were highest in the morning at 2470.936 ng/gr of dry feces and lowest in the afternoon at 670.809 ng/gr of dry feces when the horseback riding workload was 20 times. Female horse 2 (Montecha) had the highest T4 level in the morning at 2805.745 ng/gr of dry feces and the lowest T4 level in the morning with a value of 1927.027 ng/gr of dry feces when the horseback riding workload was 15 times. T4 levels of falcon dry feces were highest in the morning at 2654.936 ng/gr of dry feces and lowest during the day at 1937.703 ng/gr of dry feces when the horseback riding workload was 4 times. The results of statistical analysis showed that the horseback riding workload does not affect the thyroxine (T4) levels in horse feces.
Kata Kunci : ELISA, kuda, penunggang, tiroksin