Lembaga Negara Independen dalam Pusaran Konflik Kebijakan: Pemetaan Strategi Narasi Komnas HAM terhadap UU Cipta Kerja menggunakan Narrative Policy Framework
QORYROH, Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, SIP., MBA., P.hD.
This study aims to examine the role of independent state agencies in narrating public policy, especially when they have a position that contradicts the government. Using a meso-level narrative policy analysis approach, this study focuses on the position of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) as an independent institution that opposes the Job Creation Law (UU Cipta Kerja). Data was collected from 2020 to 2023 using content analysis methods. The study found that although Komnas HAM is located in a country with a new democracy and is still heavily dependent on the government, it was able to demonstrate its independence by actively criticizing the Job Creation Law. Key findings reveal that Komnas HAM's criticism of the Job Creation Law was carried out using various strategies manifested in the elements of the policy narrative, namely the use of metaphorical language, the use of narratives based on local contexts, the use of evidence in narratives, and the involvement of local and international actors as advocacy efforts. Furthermore, there were also changes in the strategies used by Komnas HAM in response to key events in the dynamics of the Job Creation Law policy. This study contributes to enriching the literature on narrative policy analysis with a longitudinal basis and by examining how narrative strategies are constructed by independent institutions when they have different opinions from the government.
Kata Kunci : Narasi Kebijakan, Lembaga Negara Independen, Formulasi Kebijakan, UU Cipta Kerja, Narrative Policy Framework