DEVITA NURUL SAFITRI, Andriati Ningrum, S.T.P., M.Agr., Ph.D.;Dr.Manikharda, S.T.P., M.Agr
Okara merupakan limbah padat hasil
pembuatan tahu. Proses hidrolisis protein okara dilakukan dengan pembuatan
tepung tempe gembus melalui fermentasi dengan Rhizopus oligosporus.
Tepung tempe gembus ditambahkan dalam produk cookies untuk meningkatkan
nilai gizi produk serta nilai ekonomis ampas tahu. Penambahan bubuk ampas kopi
(Spent Coffee Ground) bertujuan meningkatkan rasa dan nilai fungsional
produk cookies serta sebagai pemanfaatan limbah ampas kopi. Penggunaan tepung beras sebagai pengganti
tepung terigu untuk memperoleh produk cookies non-gluten.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui
pengaruh penambahan hidrolisat protein okara (tepung tempe gembus) dan bubuk
ampas kopi terhadap sifat sensoris dan fisikokimia produk cookies
penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan variasi rasio
tepung beras : tepung tempe gembus : bubuk ampas kopi sebesar kontrol(100:0:0),
F1(80:17:3), F2(67:27:7),dan F3(57:33:10). Semua formulasi cookies
non-gluten dilakukan analisis sensoris untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan dan
kesukaan panelis dengan metode hedonik meliputi atribut warna, aroma,
tekstur,rasa, aftertaste, dan keseluruhan.
Kemudian akan dilakukan analisis fisik (warna dan kekerasan) dan kimia
(kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar karbohidrat by-difference,
dan aktivitas antioksidan) pada formula cookies non-gluten terpilih dari
hasil uji sensoris dengan skor hedonik tertinggi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula cookies
non-gluten terpilih hasil uji sensoris dengan skor hedonik tertinggi adalah F1
(80:17:3) dengan skor atribut keseluruhan sebesar 5,43 parameter agak suka.
Komposisi kimia cookies non-gluten terpilih mengandung kadar air 6,69 %,
kadar abu 1,96%, kadar lemak 19,67%, kadar protein 10,12%, kadar karbohidrat
by-difference 61,57?n aktivitas antiosidan sebesar 80,34%RSA. Hasil uji
warna menunjukkan nilai L 44,01; a* 12,39; dan b*30,26 dengan tingkat kekerasan
yaitu Fmax 20,33 N.
Okara is a solid waste from making
tofu. The hydrolysis process of okara protein is carried out by making gembus
tempe flour through fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus. Gembus tempeh flour
is added to cookie products to increase the nutritional value of the product as
well as the economic value of tofu dregs. The addition of coffee grounds (Spent
Coffee Ground) aims to improve the taste and functional value of cookies
products as well as utilizing coffee grounds waste. Using rice flour as a
substitute for wheat flour to obtain non-gluten cookie products. This research
aims to determine the effect of adding okara protein hydrolyzate (gembus tempeh
flour) and coffee grounds powder on the sensory and physicochemical properties
of non-gluten cookies products.
this study, a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used with variations in
the ratio of rice flour : tempeh gembus flour : coffee grounds powder equal to
control (100:0:0), F1 (80:17:3),F2(67:27:7), and F3(57:33:10). All non-gluten
cookies formulations were subjected to sensory analysis to determine the level
of acceptance and preference of panelists using the hedonic method including
color, aroma, texture, taste, aftertaste and overall attributes. Then physical
(color and hardness) and chemical analysis (moisture content, ash content, fat
content, protein content, carbohydrate content by-difference, and antioxidant
activity) will be carried out on the selected non-gluten cookies formula from
the sensory test results with the highest hedonic score. .
The research results showed that the selected non-gluten
cookies formula from the sensory test with the highest hedonic score was F1
(80:17:3) with an overall attribute score of 5.43, rather like parameters. The
chemical composition of selected non-gluten cookies contains water content of
6.69%, ash content of 1.96%, fat content of 19.67%, protein content of 10.12%,
carbohydrate content by-difference of 61.57% and antioxidant activity of 80%.
.34%RSA. The color test results show an L value of 44.01; a* 12.39; and b*30.26
with a hardness level of Fmax 20.33 N.
Kata Kunci : Okara, tepung tempe gembus, bubuk ampas kopi, cookies non-gluten