Analysis on the Criminological Factors of Lone Wolf Terrorism Alongside its Prevention and Law Enforcement in Indonesia
Muhammad Abiyyi Dhiya Ulhaq Ramadhan, Diantika Rindam Floranti, S.H., LL.M.
2024 | Skripsi | ILMU HUKUM
Kasus terorisme yang melibatkan pelaku individu telah mulai muncul
seiring dengan perkembangan dunia digital. Diantara kasus lone wolf yang terjadi
di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penelitian hukum ini berfokus pada
tiga kasus: pengeboman pos polisi Kartasura oleh Rofik Ashrudin, penusukan
anggota polisi oleh Ibnu Dar, dan ancaman bom dan pemerasan oleh LWK
terhadap Mall Alam Sutera. Penelitian hukum ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis
faktor-faktor kriminogenik yang menyebabkan tindakan terorisme dalam ketiga
kasus tersebut dan menganalisis proses tindakan pencegahan dan penegakan
hukum yang dilakukan oleh lembaga yang bertanggung jawab.
Penelitian hukum ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif
empiris, yang menggabungkan tinjauan pustaka dan penelitian lapangan. Data
diperoleh dari penelitian teori kriminologi melalui tinjauan pustaka, analisis
dokumen, penelitian peraturan, dan penelitian putusan pengadilan. Penelitian ini
juga melibatkan wawancara dengan individu yang berpengalaman dalam
menangani kasus lone wolf terrorism.
Berdasarkan penemuan penelitian, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa terorisme
memiliki beragam penyebab, seperti faktor ekonomi atau sosial. Namun, lone wolf,
di mana individu bertindak sendiri, berbeda. Dari tiga kasus yang diteliti, dua
didorong oleh ideologi radikal yang sering disebarkan melalui media sosial,
sementara satu lainnya disebabkan oleh kesulitan ekonomi. Semua pelaku
melakukan radikalisasi sendiri. Kriminologi membantu memahami terorisme lone
wolf dengan menganalisis pendorongnya, seperti teori asosiasi diferensial,
identitas sosial, pilihan rasional, transmisi budaya, motivasi, tekanan, dan aktivitas
rutin. Di Indonesia, BNPT dan Densus 88 bertugas melawan lone wolf terrorism.
BNPT dibentuk untuk mencegah terorisme dan radikalisme dengan menggunakan
metode seperti deradikalisasi. Densus 88, terlibat dalam banyak operasi lapanga,
seperti investigasi dan penangkapan. Kedua lembaga menghadapi tantangan
dalam mengidentifikasi dan mendeteksi pelaku lone wolf terrorism secara dini,
serta memantau media sosial. Oleh karena itu, mereka secara konsisten bekerja
sama untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka.
Cases of terrorism involving individual perpetrators have been emerging
alongside the development of the digital world. Among the lone wolf cases that
have occurred in Indonesia in recent years, this legal research focuses on three
cases: the bombing of the Kartasura police post by Rofik Ashrudin, the stabbing of
police officer by Ibnu Dar, and the bomb threat and extortion case by LWK against
Mall Alam Sutera. This legal research aims to analyze the criminogenic factors
causing terrorist acts in these three cases and analyze the prevention and law
enforcement methods by the authorities.
This legal research used the normative-empirical legal research type, which
combines literature review and field research. The data obtained are the result of
criminological theory research through literature review, document analysis,
regulation research, and court decision research used in this study. This legal
research also utilizes data obtained through interviews with competent individuals
who are familiar with handling lone wolf terrorism cases.
Based on the research findings, the Author draws several conclusions,
including: Terrorism can have many causes, like economic or social factors. But
lone wolf terrorism, where individuals act alone, is different. Among the three cases
studied, two were driven by radical ideology, often spread through social media,
while the third was due to economic struggles. All the attackers radicalized
themselves. Criminology helps us understand lone wolf terrorism by looking at
what leads people to commit these acts. Theories such differential association,
social identity, rational choice, cultural transmission, motivation, strain, and routine
activity are applicable here. On the other hand, Indonesia fights lone wolf terrorism
through BNPT and Densus 88. BNPT was created to prevent terrorism and
radicalism, through methods such as deradicalization. Densus 88, investigates and
apprehend terrorist groups, more in the field operation. Both agencies encountered
challenges in their duties, particularly in identifying and detecting lone wolf
terrorism perpetrators early and in monitoring social media traffic. Therefore, they
collaborate to improve their capabilities.
Kata Kunci : Criminology, Etiology of Crime, Terrorism, Lone Wolf Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, Indonesian Criminal Law.