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SALMAA PUTRI DESIHANA, Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc. ; Arza Mandega Priatomo, S.T.P.


    Kini banyak masyarakat yang mulai beralih ke produk pangan pangan fungsional karena nilai kesehatannya. Probiotik adalah salah satu contoh pangan fungsional yang sudah dikomersilkan dan diaplikasikan ke produk olahan berbasis susu, salah satunya adalah keju cheddar. Garam sebagai salah satu bahan yang digunakan memiliki fungsi dalam penentuan kualitas keju cheddar. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan keju cheddar probiotik dengan inokulum Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Dad-13 dan Streptococcus thermophilus Dad-11 menggunakan variasi kadar garam 1 persen dan 2 persen.

            Keju cheddar probiotik dibuat menggunakan bahan susu sapi, kultur starter lokal, enzim rennet, lipase, dan garam. Selama produksi, dilakukan pengukuran pH dan berat curd. Keju yang telah melalui pemeraman selama 2 bulan kemudian dilakukan pengujian sensori menggunakan metode acceptance test, RATA, dan JAR dengan melibatkan 40 panelis yang turut menjadi responden. Pengujian sensoris dilakukan menggunakan 2 sampel keju dengan kadar garam yang berbeda. Uji warna dan tekstur juga turut dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar garam terhadap karakteristik fisik keju. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara keju dengan kadar garam 1 persen dan 2 persen terhadap intensitas dan penerimaan panelis. Namun, keju dengan kadar garam 2 persen lebih ideal bagi panelis dibandingkan keju dengan kadar garam 1 persen.

    Nowadays many of consumers are starting to switch to functional food products because of their health value. Probiotics are an example of a functional food that has been commercialized and applied to dairy-based processed products, one of which is cheddar cheese. Salt as one of the ingredients used has a function in determining the quality of cheddar cheese. In this research, probiotic cheddar cheese was developed using inoculum Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Dad-13 and Streptococcus thermophilus Dad-11 using varying salt levels of 1 percent and 2 percent.

            Probiotic cheddar cheese is made using cow's milk, local starter culture, rennet enzymes, lipase and salt. During production, the pH and weight of the curd are measured. The cheese, which had been aged for 2 months, was then subjected to sensory testing using the acceptance test, RATA, and JAR methods involving 40 panelists who were also respondents. Sensory testing was carried out using 2 cheese samples with different salt levels. Color and texture tests were also carried out to determine the effect of salt content on the physical characteristics of the cheese. The results showed that there was no significant difference between cheese with a salt content of 1 percent and 2 percent on the intensity and acceptance of panelists. However, cheese with a salt content of 2 percent was more ideal for the panelists than cheese with a salt content of 1 percent.

Kata Kunci : keju cheddar, probiotik, garam, karakteristik fisik, acceptance test, RATA, JAR scale

  1. S1-2024-456456-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-456456-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-456456-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-456456-title.pdf