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Analisis Collaborative Governance dalam Strategi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Ekonomi Kreatif: Studi Kasus IKM Kerajinan Logam Desa Cepogo, Kecamatan Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali

RADITYA DAFFA LASMANA, Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin


Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana proses dinamika collaborative governance dalam memberikan pengaruh terhadap pengembangan IKM kerajinan logam Tumang. Dengan menggunakan teori yang menjelaskan indikator proses collaborative governance oleh DeSeve (2007) dan prinsip pengembangan industri kecil oleh Pyke (1992) sebagai pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini, peneliti berhasil memperlihatkan bagaimana collaborative governance dapat menjadi strategi untuk mewujudkan pengembangan IKM kerajinan logam Tumang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif berbasis deskriptif. Wawancara dan pengambilan data sekunder melalui studi literatur menjadi cara penulis untuk mengambil data pada penelitian ini. Informan yang dipilih penulis untuk diwawancarai juga dipilih dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling berdasarkan profil dan kebutuhan data penelitian.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan collaborative governance menjadi strategi dalam mewujudkan pengembangan IKM kerajinan logam Tumang dan secara umum kedua variabel ini sudah mencapai kategori cukup baik. Hal tersebut tercermin dari data yang didapatkan penulis dan kesesuaian dengan penjelasan basis teori yang dijadikan acuan penulis, 6 dari 8 indikator variabel collaborative governance (networked structure, commitment to a common purpose, governance, access to authority, information sharing, access to resources)  dan 5 dari 8 indikator variabel pengembangan industri kecil (achieving economies of scale, the role of cooperation strong collective institutions, rapid information dissemination, entrepreneurial skills) dikategorikan tercapai cukup baik. 
Penelitian ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa meskipun sebagian besar indikator dalam variabel sudah tergolong cukup baik, tetapi tidak menutup fakta bahwa ada beberapa permasalahan yang dipandang perlu segera untuk diatasi untuk dapat mengakselerasi pengembangan IKM kerajinan logam Tumang melalui tata kelola kolaboratif, yaitu ketidakterbukaan IKM terhadap transaksi penjualan produk, mindset IKM dan pekerja yang masih konservatif, kekurangan jumlah pekerja total dan pekerja ahli, serta kekhawatiran regenerasi pekerja dan IKM kerajinan logam Tumang. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi agar permasalahan yang muncul ini dapat diminimalisir, yaitu pemerataan relasi kerja sama dengan pihak eksternal, workshop bisnis berkelanjutan, pendidikan dasar keterampilan kerajinan logam bagi pemuda lokal Tumang, dan pertemuan rutin dengan pihak – pihak yang terlibat.

This research discusses how the dynamic process of collaborative governance influences the development of Tumang metal crafts SMEs. By using the theory explaining the indicators of the collaborative governance process by DeSeve (2007) and the principles of small industry development by Pyke (1992) as analytical tools in this research, the author succeeded in showing how collaborative governance can be a strategy to realize the development of Tumang metal crafts SMEs. This research uses a descriptive-based qualitative analysis method. Interviews and collecting secondary data through literature studies were the author's ways of collecting data in this research. The informants chosen by the author to be interviewed were also selected using a purposive sampling technique based on their profile and research data needs.

The results of the research show that implementing collaborative governance is a strategy in realizing the development of Tumang metal crafts SMEs and in general these two variables have reached the quite good category. This is reflected in the data obtained by the author and in accordance with the explanation of the theoretical basis used as a reference by the author, 6 of the 8 indicators of collaborative governance variables (networked structure, commitment to a common purpose, governance, access to authority, information sharing, access to resources) and 5 of the 8 variable indicators for small industry development (achieving economies of scale, the role of cooperation strong collective institutions, rapid information dissemination, entrepreneurial skills) were categorized as being achieved quite well.

This research concludes that although most of the indicators in the variables are quite good, this does not rule out the fact that there are several problems that are deemed to need to be addressed immediately in order to accelerate the development of Tumang metal crafts IKM through collaborative governance, namely the lack of openness of IKM towards product sales transactions. , the conservative mindset of SMEs and workers, a shortage of total workers and skilled workers, as well as concerns about the regeneration of Tumang metal craft workers and SMEs. This research provides recommendations so that the problems that arise can be minimized, namely equalizing cooperative relations with external parties, sustainable business workshops, basic education in metal craft skills for local Tumang youth, and regular meetings with the parties involved.

Kata Kunci : collaborative governance, pengembangan industri kecil menengah, IKM, relasi, kolaborasi

  1. S1-2024-462864-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-462864-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-462864-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-462864-title.pdf