Gambaran Biaya Nonmedis Langsung dan Biaya Tidak Langsung Pada Pasien Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta
OLIVIA GEBRILIANA, Dr. apt. Dwi Endarti, M.Sc.
2024 | Skripsi | FARMASI
Angka kejadian kanker serviks di Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua terbanyak setelah kanker payudara. Banyak pasien kanker serviks yang kehidupan perekonomiannya sangat terdampak akibat biaya yang ditanggung selama menjalani pengobatan.
Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Data penelitian diambil melalui wawancara langsung kepada 35 pasien serviks stadium lanjut di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta dengan total 690 kunjungan. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis hingga diperoleh gambaran biaya dan pengaruh karakteristik pasien terhadap biaya.
Hasil rata-rata biaya pasien per kunjungan yaitu sebesar Rp159.104 ± Rp126.703 untuk biaya nonmedis langsung dan Rp137.562 ± Rp110.153 untuk biaya tidak langsung, sehingga total biaya per kunjungannya sebesar Rp296.666 ± Rp236.856. Biaya rata-rata per pasien selama tiga bulan yakni sebesar Rp3.077.199 ± Rp4.675.398 untuk biaya nonmedis langsung dan Rp878.571 ± Rp1.890.888 untuk biaya tidak langsung, sehingga total biaya per pasien sebesar Rp3.955.770 Rp6.566.286 Karakteristik jarak rumah ke rumah sakit berpengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya nonmedis langsung. Karakteristik usia, status bekerja, dan jenis pekerjaan pasien berpengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya tidak langsung, sedangkan tingkat stadium pasien tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya tidak langsung pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta.
The incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia is ranked second after breast cancer. Many cervical cancer patients have had their economic lives greatly affected due to the costs they incur while undergoing treatment.
This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research with a cross-sectional approach. Research data was taken through direct interviews with 35 advanced cervical patients at RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta with a total of 690 visits. Then the data is analyzed to obtain a picture of costs and the influence of patient characteristics on costs.
The average patient cost per visit is IDR 159.104 ± IDR 126.703 for direct non-medical costs and IDR 137.562 ± IDR 110.153 for indirect costs, so the total cost per visit is IDR 296.666 ± IDR 236.856. The average cost per patient for three months is IDR 3.077.199 ± IDR 4.675.398 for direct non-medical costs and IDR 878.571 ± IDR 1.890.888 for indirect costs, so the total cost per patient is IDR 3.955.770 IDR 6.566.286 Characteristics of distance from home going to the hospital has a significant effect on direct non-medical costs. The characteristics of the patient's age, work status and type of work have a significant effect on indirect costs, while the patient's stage level does not have a significant effect on the indirect costs of advanced cervical cancer patients at RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta.
Kata Kunci : Kanker serviks, analisis biaya, biaya nonmedis langsung, biaya tidak langsung, perspektif pasien, RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta.