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The Impact of Hyper-Localized Content on Brand Preference of Generation Z Consumers (A Survey of Shopee Indonesia Hyper-localized Content through Shopee COD Campaign Tukul Arwana’s Version)

Nadia Rafitha Arsynta, Syaifa Tania, S.IP., M.A.

2024 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi

Penelitian ini meneliti penggunaan konten hiper-lokalisasi oleh perusahaan dalam strategi ekspansi pasar global mereka. Studi ini secara khusus berfokus pada strategi konten hiper-lokalisasi Shopee Indonesia, dengan menganalisis kampanye Shopee Cash On Delivery versi Tukul Arwana. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan survei kuantitatif, data dikumpulkan dari sampel konsumen Generasi Z Shopee Indonesia untuk mengevaluasi dampak konten hiper-lokalisasi terhadap persepsi dan perilaku konsumen, dengan referensi khusus pada kampanye Shopee COD versi Tukul Arwana. Implikasi dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan pengembangan konten bagi Shopee Indonesia dan perusahaan lain yang menargetkan demografi serupa

This research comes in line with the massive trend of using hyper-localization content by companies in their global market expansion strategy. This study specifically focuses on Shopee Indonesia's hyper-localized content strategy, analyzing Tukul Arwana’s version of the Shopee Cash On Delivery campaign. By examining the impact of hyper-localization content on consumer perceptions and behaviors, this study seeks to provide valuable insights for marketers and businesses operating in the Indonesian e-commerce industry. The research adopted a quantitative survey approach, collected data from a sample of Shopee Indonesia Generation Z consumers. The findings provide insights into the impact of hyper-localized content in shaping brand preference among Generation Z consumers in the Indonesian e-commerce industry, with specific reference to Shopee COD campaign (Tukul Arwana's version). These findings can be applied to inform marketing strategies and content development efforts, benefiting both Shopee Indonesia and other businesses targeting this demographic.

Kata Kunci : Hyper-localization, Content Marketing, Shopee, Brand Preference, Brand Experience

  1. S1-2024-454631-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-454631-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-454631-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-454631-title.pdf