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PUSPA SILVIA JATI, Wenny Artanty Nisman ; Ika Parmawati ; Ami Novianti Subagya

2024 | Skripsi | ILMU KEPERAWATAN

Latar Belakang: WHO melaporkan 2,4 juta bayi meninggal pada bulan pertama kehidupan di tahun 2020, laporan ini mengungkapkan kurangnya perawatan berkualitas sebagai salah satu penyebab kematian bayi. Edukasi terkait perawatan bayi baru lahir akan menunjang praktik perawatan yang baik. Dalam merancang edukasi kesehatan, perlu dilakukan analisis kebutuhan agar edukasi dapat optimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengeksplorasi kebutuhan edukasi perawatan bayi baru lahir bagi ibu postpartum di RSUP Dr Soeradji, Tirtonegoro, Klaten

Metode: Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 10 orang, menggunakan purposive sampling dan analisis data berdasarkan Denscombe (2007).

Hasil: Penelitian menghasilkan 2 tema pokok, yaitu pengalaman ibu mendapatkan edukasi perawatan bayi baru lahir dan kebutuhan edukasi ibu postpartum terkait perawatan bayi baru lahir.

Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan antara edukasi yang diterima dan yang diharapkan oleh ibu terkait perawatan bayi baru lahir. Ibu menerima edukasi tentang IMD, kangguru, perawatan tali pusat, kebersihan perineal, dan mengganti popok. Namun, dari wawancara, terungkap bahwa ibu membutuhkan edukasi tentang menyusui, pemberian ASI, mandi bayi, menjaga kesehatan, tumbuh kembang, imunisasi, dan masalah kesehatan bayi. Beberapa ibu juga menginginkan ruangan khusus dan penggunaan media dalam pelaksanaan edukasi perawatan bayi baru lahir.

Background: WHO reported 2.4 million infants died in the first month of life in 2020. Infant who died in the first 28 days tend to suffer from health disorders die to a lack of quality care. Newborn care is essential to support the neonate’s adaptation. The practice of newborn care by mothers is influenced by maternal knowledge. Education of newborn care will support good care practices. In designing health education, aneeds analysis is necessary to optimize education.

Research Objective: To explore the experience and educational needs for newborn care among postpartum mothers at Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital, Klaten.

Method: Qualitative method with phenomenological approach. This study involved 10 subject, selected through purposive sampling, and data analysis was based on Densombe (2007).

Results: The study resulted in two main themes: the experience of mothers in receiving education on newborn care and th educational needs os postpartum mothers related to newborn care.

Conclusion: The difference between the education received and the education expected by mothers regarding newborn care. Mothers receive education on IMD, kangaroo care, umbilical cord care, perineal hygiene, and diaper changing. However, from interviews, it is revealed that mothers need education on breastfeeding, breast milk feeding, bathing the baby, maintaining health, growth and development, immunization, and newborn health issues. Some mothers also desire a separate room and the use of media in implementing education on newborn care.

Kata Kunci : ibu postpartum, bayi baru lahir, perawatan bayi, edukasi, kebutuhan edukasi

  1. S1-2024-458850-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-458850-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-458850-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-458850-title.pdf