Pengaruh Symmetrical Internal Communication Terhadap Work Engagement Dengan Perceived Organizational Support Sebagai Mediasi (Studi PT. Telkom Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta)
Zahratul Hubbah, Dr. Rajiyem, S.I.P., M.Si.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Komunikasi
Industri telekomunikasi semakin menghadapi persaingan ketat sehingga perlu bersikap responsif, mudah beradaptasi dan inovatif dalam menghadapi perubahan lingkungan global yang begitu cepat. Perusahaan sadar pentingnya memiliki karyawan dengan work engagement tinggi untuk bersaing dalam perubahan ekonomi dan globalisasi yang cepat. Salah satu cara dengan mempraktikkan komunikasi internal yang simetris. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh symmetrical internal communication terhadap work engagement dengan perceived organizational support sebagai mediasi. Metode penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kuantiatif kausal dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini karyawan PT Telkom Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta sebanyak 131 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan SEM berbasis PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa symmetrical internal communication berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived organizational support dan work engagement. Perceived organizational support berpengaruh positif terhadap work engagement. Perceived organizational support memediasi pengaruh symmetrical internal communication terhadap work engagement.
The telecommunications industry is increasingly facing tough competition, so it needs to be responsive, adaptable and innovative in facing rapid changes in the global environment. Companies are aware of the importance of having employees with high work engagement to compete in rapid economic changes and globalization. One way is to practice symmetrical internal communication. This research aims to analyze the influence of symmetrical internal communication on work engagement with perceived organizational support as mediation. This research method uses a causal quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample for this research was 131 employees of PT Telkom Yogyakarta City Region. Data collection uses a questionnaire. Data analysis uses SEM based on Partial Least Square. The research results show that symmetrical internal communication has a positive effect on perceived organizational support and work engagement. Perceived organizational support has a positive effect on work engagement. Perceived organizational support mediates the influence of symmetrical internal communication on work engagement.
Kata Kunci : Symmetrical Internal Communication, Perceived Organizational Support, Work Engagement