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Preparation, Characterization, and Catalytic Test of Co-Mo/gamma-Al2O3 to Produce Liquid Biohydrocarbon from Used Coconut Oil

Meissha Ayu Ardini, Prof. Dra. Wega Trisunaryanti, MS., Ph.D.Eng; Prof. Dr. Triyono, SU.

2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kimia

Katalis bimetal, Co dan Mo teremban ?-Al2O3, telah berhasil dipreparasi dengan metode impregnasi kering urutan logam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari efek urutan impregnasi Co dan Mo terhadap karakter katalitiknya yang akan diaplikasikan pada reaksi hidrorengkah (HC) dan/atau hidrodeoksigenasi (HDO) minyak kelapa bekas, kemudian dievaluasi juga pengaruh dari perbedaan kondisi perlakuan pada aktivitas dan selektivitas katalis. Waktu impregnasi dua logam divariasikan selama 1 jam, menghasilkan katalis Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 1h dan Mo-Co/?-Al2O3 1h, variasi 24 jam menghasilkan Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h dan Mo-Co/?-Al2O3 24h, serta impregnasi bersamaan dilabeli dengan CoMo/?-Al2O3. Uji aktivitas dan selektivitas dilakukan melalui hidrorengkah dan/atau hidrodeoksigenasi (HC dan/atau HDO) dengan minyak kelapa bekas. Katalis terbaik dipilih untuk uji reusabilitas dan optimisasi kondisi reaksi (parameter: temperatur dan rasio katalis/feed). Karakterisasi XRF menunjukkan bahwa Co dan Mo yang terimpregnasi dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan urutan logam dan selisih waktu impregnasi. XANES dan XPS menunjukkn bilangan oksidasi Co dan Mo adalah +2 dan +6. Co muncul sebagai spesies CoAl2O4 dan CoO, sementara Mo dalam bentuk MoO3. Perlakuan urutan logam mempengaruhi keasaman katalis, dibuktikan oleh katalis terimpregnasi Co sebagai logam pertama yang memiliki keasaman lebih tinggi. Sementara itu, perlakuan selisih waktu impregnasi mempengaruhi parameter luas area, ditunjukkan oleh katalis 24h yang meningkat luas areanya hingga 5 kali lipat. Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h menunjukkan aktivitas katalis tertinggi (40,16% b/b produk cair) dan selektivitas 85,61?n 9,75% terhadap fraksi biogasoline dan minyak diesel. Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h memiliki luas permukaan, volume pori, dan diameter pori sebesar 118,32 m2.g-1, 0,22 cm3.g-1, dan 7,48 nm. Katalis tersebut memiliki keasaman total 8,93 mmol.g-1 dengan proporsi situs asam lemah yang tinggi (41,32%), yang penting dalam melakukan reaksi HDO. Kandungan produk cair didominasi oleh alkena dengan panjang rantai karbon mayoritas pada C9-C11. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa katalis mengarahkan reaksi pada mekanisme HDC, HDX, dan HDO. Uji reusabilitas menunjukkan Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h memiliki kinerja yang baik setelah tiga siklus reaksi, dan menghasilkan produk cair 40,16, 37,00, dan 36,40% b/b. Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h bekerja optimum pada suhu 180 °C dan rasio katalis/feed 1/100.

Bimetal catalysts, ?-Al2O3-supported Co and Mo, have been prepared using the dry impregnation metal-sequenced method. This study aimed to gain a better understanding of the effect of the Co and Mo impregnation sequence towards its catalytic character in the application of hydrocracking (HC) and/or hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) reactions of used coconut oil. The assessment of different treatment conditions on the catalyst activity and selectivity was also conducted. The impregnation time between the two metals was varied for 1 hour, produced Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 1h and Mo-Co/?-Al2O3 1h, varied also for 24 hours, produced Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h and Mo-Co/?-Al2O3 24h, and lastly, a simultaneous time, produced CoMo/?-Al2O3 catalysts. The best catalyst was selected to perform a reusability test and reaction condition optimization (temperature and ratio catalyst/feed parameter). XRF characterization indicated Co and Mo content were affected by metal sequence and time impregnation treatment. XANES and XPS analysis reported that the Co and Mo oxidation states were +2 and +6. Co appears as CoAl2O4 and CoO, meanwhile, Mo exists as MoO3. Metal sequence affects acidity, evidenced by high acidity in Co-first impregnation catalysts. In addition, time impregnation affects surface area, as exhibited by 24h-impregnation treatment raising the catalysts’ surface area to fivefold. Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h was selected as the best catalyst, with the highest catalyst activity (40.16%wt liquid products) and selectivity of 85.61% and 9.75% towards biogasoline and diesel oil fractions. Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h has a surface area, pore volume, and pore diameter of 118.32 m2.g-1, 0.22 cm3.g-1, and 7.48 nm. It also has a total acidity of 8.93 mmol.g-1 with a high proportion of weak acid sites (41.32%), which is crucial to perform HDO reactions. Liquid products are dominated by alkene with a major chain length in C9-C11. This indicated that the catalyst had directed the reaction to HDC, HDX and HDO mechanism. Reusability tests demonstrate that the Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h showed promising performance after three reaction cycles, resulting in the liquid product: 40.16, 37.00, to 36.40%, for the first to the second and third uses, respectively. Co-Mo/?-Al2O3 24h works best at 180 °C with a ratio catalyst/feed of 1/100.

Kata Kunci : cobalt molybdenum, ?-Al2O3, hydrocracking, hydrodeoxygenation, used coconut oil

  1. S2-2024-500475-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-500475-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-500475-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-500475-title.pdf