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Pemahaman dan Etika Penyampaian Informed Consent yang dilakukan oleh dokter muda Fakultas Kedokteran X di Surabaya

Meivy Isnoviana, Prof.Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, MSi.,Ph.D; Prof. Dr.dr.Soenarto Sastrowijoto, Sp.THT


Dokter muda yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di RS Jejaring sering berhadapan langsung dengan pasien, dimana mereka juga belajar untuk menyampaikan Informed consent, yang akan menentukan kesediaan atau penolakan pasien dalam melakukan tindakan medis. Dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang informed consent, pengetahuan tentang penyakit, komunikasi efektif, serta etika yang akan menjadi bekal mereka menjadi dokter. 

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara pengetahun dokter muda terhadap informed consent berserta penyampainnya serta efikasi dokter muda dalam penyampaiannya secara etika.

Metode penelitian adalah mixed methode sequential explanatory design. Populasi penelitian adalah semua dokter muda yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di RS A dan RS B dengan menggunakan metode total sampling sejumlah 80 responden.  Menggunakan kuetioner berdasarkan Permenkes No.290 Th 2008 yang telah divalidasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa menjadi univariat dan bivariat kemudian digabung dengan data kualitatif berdasarkan FGD. Penyajian data dalam bentuk tabel dan teks naratif.

Hasil ditemukan pemahaman informed consent kategori sedang 20% sedangkan untuk penyampaian informed consent dengan teori etik kategori kurang 45%, kategori sedang 40 % , dan baik sebesar 12%. Adanya anomali diantara 19 responden yang dianggap kurang dalam pemahaman informed consent ternyata mampu menyampaikannya dengan baik. Menunjukkan bahwa fakto-faktor seperti bahasa, pengetahuan tentang penyakt, role model, serta sosial budaya cukup berpengaruh 

Simpulan : Secara statisitk terdapat hubungan antara pemahaman dan pengetahuan doker muda dalam penyampaian informed consent,  dan secara keseluruhan faktor seperti bahasa, latar belakang pendidikan, pengetahuan penyakit pasien, dan sosial budaya memiliki peran yang penting dalam penyampaian informed consent secara efektif dan etis.

Clerkship who are undergoing training at the Network Hospital often have direct interactions with patients, during which they also learn to convey informed consent. This process determinde whether the patients are willing or unwilling to undergo the proposed medical procedures. It is essential for this clerkship to have knowledge about informed consent. dieseases, effective communicatione, and ethics, as these will form the foundation of their careers as medical professional.

The aim of the research is to asses the understanding of clerkship regarding informed consent and their ability to effectively communicate it at the Network Hospital affiliated wiht the Faculty of Medicine X in Surabaya.

The reseach design for this study is mixed methods sequential explanatory design. The population of this study consist of all clerkship undergoin training at RS A and RS B, using total sampling methode. The research insturment utilized a questionnaire on informed consent based on Permenkes No.290/2008, which has been validaated. The data obtainde was analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis, and the combinde with qualitative data base on focus group discussion (FGD). The data was presented in the form of tables and narrative texts.

It was found that the understanding of informed consent fell into the moderate category for 50% of the respondents, while 20% had high understanding combinde with moderate understanding. Regarding the delivery of informed consent in accordance with ethical theories, it was observed that 45?ll into the low category, 40% int the moderate category, and only 12% in the good category. An intersting anomaly emerged 19 respondents, who were considered to have low understanding, were actually capable of delivering informed consent effectively. This suggest that factors such as langgueage, disease knowledge, role models, and sociocultural influences play significant role.

Statistically, ther is a correlation between the understanding and knowledge of clerkship in delivering informed consent. Overall, factors such as language, educational background role effectively and ethically delivering informed consent.

Kata Kunci : dokter muda;pemahaman infomed consent; etika informed consent; penyampaian informed consent

  1. S2-2024-453305-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-453305-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-453305-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-453305-title.pdf