Uji Toksisitas Akut Senyawa Analog Kurkumin A115 Pada Mencit Betina
NAJLA ALIVIA, Dr. apt. Soni Siswanto, M.Biomed. ; drh. Retno Murwanti, M.P., Ph.D.
2024 | Skripsi | FARMASI
Penemuan senyawa analog kurkumin 2,6-bis(5’-bromo-2’-
metoksibenziliden)sikloheksanon (A115) yang memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi,
disertai dengan kebutuhan uji praklinik yaitu uji toksisitas akut. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk melakukan uji toksisitas akut pada senyawa A115 untuk
mengidentifikasi potensi ketoksikannya dan memperoleh informasi tentang bahaya
terhadap manusia apabila terpajan. Uji toksisitas akut yang dilakukan sesuai pedoman OECD Nomor 420 dengan
metode Fixed Dose Procedure. Satu ekor mencit betina digunakan dalam uji
pendahuluan dosis 300 mg/kgBB dan 4 ekor tambahan untuk uji utama dosis 2000
mg/kgBB. Senyawa A115 diberikan dalam dosis tunggal secara oral dan diamati gejala
klinis/toksisitas maupun kematiannya selama 14 hari. Pada hari ke-15, dilakukan
nekropsi dan diamati gros patologi organ vitalnya serta eksaminasi histopatologi. Data
kualitatif disajikan secara deskriptif dan data kuantitatif dilakukan uji normalitas
Shapiro Wilk dan independent sample T-Test taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan tidak terdapat gejala klinis/toksisitas maupun
kematian yang terjadi pada dosis 2000 mg/kgBB. Senyawa A115 secara signifikan
tidak mempengaruhi berat badan dan rasio bobot organ vital. Pemeriksaan gros
patologi dan histopatologi pada organ jantung, ginjal, paru, hati dan limpa juga tidak
menunjukkan perubahan antara kelompok uji dan kontrol, sehingga senyawa A115
memiliki LD50 > 2000 mg/kgBB dan termasuk senyawa kategori 5/unclassified (tidak
toksik) menurut klasifikasi GHS.
The discovery of the curcumin analogue compound 2,6-bis(5'-bromo-2'-
methoxybenzylidene)cyclohexanone (A115) which has anti-inflammatory activity, is
accompanied by the need for preclinical testing, namely acute toxicity testing. The aim
of this research is to conduct an acute toxicity test on the A115 compound to identify
its potential toxicity and obtain information about the dangers to humans if exposed. The acute toxicity test was carried out according to OECD guideline Number
420 using the Fixed Dose Procedure method. One female mouse was used in the
sighting study at a dose of 300 mg/kgBW and 4 additional mice for the main study at
a dose of 2000 mg/kgBW. The A115 compound was given in a single dose orally and
clinical symptoms/toxicity and death were observed for 14 days. On the 15th day, a
necropsy was performed and gros pathology of vital organs was observed and
histopathological examination was carried out. Qualitative data is presented
descriptively and quantitative data is subjected to the Shapiro Wilk normality test and
independent sample T-Test with a confidence level of 95%.
Observation results showed that there were no clinical symptoms/toxicity or
death occurred at a dose of 2000 mg/kgBW. Compound A115 did not significantly
affect body weight and vital organ weight ratios. Gross pathology and histopathology
examination of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver and spleen also showed no changes
between the test and control groups, so that compound A115 has an LD50 > 2000
mg/kgBW and is included in category 5/unclassified (non toxic) according to the GHS
Kata Kunci : Toksisitas Akut, A115, Turunan Kurkumin