Green Marketing Communication Perusahaan Kosmetik (Studi Kasus Strategi Kosmetik Grasse Natural dalam Membangun Brand Association Sebagai Produk Ramah Lingkungan)
Gigih Surya Karindra, Dr. Widodo Agus Setianto, M.Si.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Komunikasi
issues are one of the issues that have caught the attention the last few
decades, extreme climate change and increasing temperatures are the result of
human activities that damage the environment. One of these activities is the
excessive use of various products that can damage nature, so that over time it
cannot be controlled. To reduce the impact of environmental damage, the use of
products that damage the environment can be replaced with green products that
are environmentally friendly, namely products that have natural ingredients in
their manufacture. This research aims to find out the strategy used by Grasse
Natural cosmetic company in promoting green products, namely by analyzing the
implementation of green marketing communication in creating brand association
on green products marketed by Grasse Natural. A descriptive qualitative
approach used as approach, which collects data with the intention of describing
the phenomena that occur, the data collection techniques in this research used
are interviews, and documentation. The data that had been collected will then
be drawn a conclusion to be able to answer the problem formulation in this research.
Kata Kunci : Isu lingkungan, produk hijau, komunikasi pemasaran hijau