The Effect of Geotextile Reinforcement on Subgrade Strength at The Transition Zone
Andhika Nurdiantono, Dr.Eng., Ir. Imam Muthohar, S.T., M.T., IPM; Prof. Dr.Techn., Ir. Danang Parikesit, M.Sc., IPU, ASEAN.Eng., ACPE.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Mag. S. & T.Transportasi
difference in track stiffness at track transitions creates issues such as rapid
degradation, track geometry disruption, ballast flying, wheel/rail force
amplification, and bearing failure. Excessive plastic settlement could occur
from wheel/rail force amplification and bearing failure. This excessive plastic
settlement degrades the track geometry, necessitating costltry maintenance
modifications regularly. Approach block is one mitigation measure that has been
used to mitigate the track's superstructure and substructure. Soil improvement
is a viable approach to minimise the difference in track displacement during
train movement through the transition zone. Geosynthetics have shown to be an
efficient method of soil improvement. Geosynthetic materials in different
forms, such as geogrid, geotextile, geocell, and geonet, are utilised for
subgrade stabilisation. The influence of geotextile reinforcement on track
vertical displacement and track stiffness at the transition zone was
investigated in this study.
Using Plaxis
3D software, the finite element method is applied to investigate the track
model. The mechanical properties of the track's materials were derived from a
literature review, previous research, and applicable standards. In the
transition zone, geotextile reinforcement was applied in the approach block.
Five geotextile reinforcements with varying spacing and layer number were
analysed to determine track displacement and stiffness. The load was simulated
using a train load that moved at 50 m/s.
Overall, in
all reinforced condition, the track displacement is reduced, the largest
reduction of track displacement occurs in var 1 condition with 20,8% reduction.
Moreover, the geotextile reinforcement provides gradual displacement change in
the transition zone. The track displacement along the reinforced location (at
25-35 meter) is lower compared to unreinforced one. The reduction of the track
displacement is evidence that the track stiffness is improved. Using BOEF
method, the track stiffness and track modulus can be determined using the track
displacement data. Overall, the track stiffness is improved by 26% on var 1
condition compared to the unreinforced one.
difference in track stiffness at track transitions creates issues such as rapid
degradation, track geometry disruption, ballast flying, wheel/rail force
amplification, and bearing failure. Excessive plastic settlement could occur
from wheel/rail force amplification and bearing failure. This excessive plastic
settlement degrades the track geometry, necessitating costltry maintenance
modifications regularly. Approach block is one mitigation measure that has been
used to mitigate the track's superstructure and substructure. Soil improvement
is a viable approach to minimise the difference in track displacement during
train movement through the transition zone. Geosynthetics have shown to be an
efficient method of soil improvement. Geosynthetic materials in different
forms, such as geogrid, geotextile, geocell, and geonet, are utilised for
subgrade stabilisation. The influence of geotextile reinforcement on track
vertical displacement and track stiffness at the transition zone was
investigated in this study.
Using Plaxis
3D software, the finite element method is applied to investigate the track
model. The mechanical properties of the track's materials were derived from a
literature review, previous research, and applicable standards. In the
transition zone, geotextile reinforcement was applied in the approach block.
Five geotextile reinforcements with varying spacing and layer number were
analysed to determine track displacement and stiffness. The load was simulated
using a train load that moved at 50 m/s.
Overall, in
all reinforced condition, the track displacement is reduced, the largest
reduction of track displacement occurs in var 1 condition with 20,8% reduction.
Moreover, the geotextile reinforcement provides gradual displacement change in
the transition zone. The track displacement along the reinforced location (at
25-35 meter) is lower compared to unreinforced one. The reduction of the track
displacement is evidence that the track stiffness is improved. Using BOEF
method, the track stiffness and track modulus can be determined using the track
displacement data. Overall, the track stiffness is improved by 26% on var 1
condition compared to the unreinforced one.
Kata Kunci : Transtion zone, geotextile reinforcement, finite element mehod, track stiffnes, track displacement