MUHAMMAD IQBAL, Prof. Ir. Hanung Adi Nugroho, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., SMIEEE; Ir. Noor Akhmad Setiawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM
2024 | Tesis | S2 Teknologi Informasi
In dermatology, facial skin health is achieved through facial skin care. Assessment of skin color classification is still subjective. So, from an assessment perspective, skin color classification has different points of view. Determining the efficacy of facial treatment requires an objective assessment before and after facial treatment. Therefore, facial skin assessment in determining facial skin classification objectively is important in assessing the efficacy of facial skin care.
This research aims to objectively analyze the efficacy of facial treatments using images before facial treatments and images after facial treatments. This study uses the Individual Typology Angle (ITA) approach to accurately classify individual skin colors into six types: dark, brown, reddish brown, medium, light, and very light. The results of the research analysis can provide a reference for assessing the brightness of a person's facial skin.
The data used are 30 images of the client's face, consisting of 15 images of the client's face before treatment and 15 images of the client's face after treatment. The shooting process is standardized with the help of professional photographers. The study findings showed that of the 15 clients, six individuals showed positive but not significant changes in ITA values, five showed significant positive shifts in ITA values, three experienced negative but not significant changes in ITA values, and one client experienced a significant negative change in ITA value. Results from 15 clients showed that 73,33% of treatment experienced an increase in facial skin brightness, as indicated by positive results. This study concluded that facial skin analysis is a valuable tool for assessing the efficacy of facial treatments.
Kata Kunci : Facial Skin Analysis, Individual Typology Angle (ITA), Efficacy of Facial Treatments