Peningkatan Kinerja Platform EduCTX Berbasis Blockchain dengan Penyimpanan Terdesentralisasi Filecoin
Aulia Rachmawati, Teguh Bharata Adji, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.; Ir. Noor Akhmad Setiawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Teknologi Informasi
Academic certificates, crucial documents ensuring an individual has successfully completed their education, require careful preservation of their data integrity. Currently, the process of validating certificate integrity still relies on centralized storage, leading to an increased risk of certificate forgery. In response to this issue, blockchain technology has been adopted as an innovative solution applicable to the education sector. One such implementation is EduCTX, a blockchain-based platform managing the recording and validation processes of certificates. EduCTX utilizes decentralized storage to safeguard certificate information. In storing this information, EduCTX employs the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to distribute it across the network. However, IPFS faces challenges related to data loss due to a lack of mechanisms ensuring secure data storage. In an effort to address this challenge, this research employs the decentralized storage network (DSN) Filecoin on top of IPFS to maintain data availability on the blockchain network. Filecoin provides data storage security, including economic incentives and cryptographic proof methods.
This research implements the certificate issuance and validation processes through the user interface (UI) based on Distributed Applications (DApps) in EduCTX. DApps operates on the Ethereum goerli testnet network locally. Integration with Filecoin is achieved using the API to store credential data.
The research results indicate that the integration of the platform with Filecoin provides verified storage. Data stored on the Filecoin network is maintained by five nodes with a guarantee of data storage using 0.0121 FIL. This demonstrates that the nodes truly store and maintain the data securely.
Kata Kunci : Blockchain, Dokumen Gelar, Platform EduCTX, Filecoin, IPFS