Optimalisasi Infrastruktur Hijau untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Udara di Kota Yogyakarta
WAHYUNI SUKANTI, Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, S.T., IPU
2024 | Tesis | S2 Magist.Prnc.Kota & Daerah
The development of urban areas requires a city to meet the needs of residential space which can impact on the reduction of green open space (RTH) and cause derivative impacts in the form of reduced air quality. The problem faced by the City of Yogyakarta in the development of green open space is limited land, therefore there is a need for innovation in the development of green open space, one of which is the development of green infrastructure by implementing the Green roof scenario. So the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of green infrastructure on air quality in the city of Yogyakarta using the Green roof scenario in 2021.
The method used in this study is to use Landsat 8 imagery in 2021 with field observations and delineation of the potential for Green roofs at hotel and mall locations. Interviews with a number of key-persons were also conducted to identify strategic steps and policies for optimizing green infrastructure in order to be more focused especially on its impact on air quality as seen from the distribution of Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).
The research results show that implementing the Green roof scenario in Yogyakarta City can have an effect on air quality. It is because there are changes in area, that has decreasing in UHI area which class 4 (>3) from 4.73 Ha to 3.78 Ha and increasing in Non-UHI area, namely from 1,449.68 Ha to 1,731.57 Ha. Apart from that, looking at the NO2 parameter there has also been a change, namely an increase in the area on a very good air quality scale from 406.80 Ha to 560.96 Ha, and a decrease in area on a very poor scale from 23.71 Ha to 16.24 Ha. Ha. The Yogyakarta City Government can consider optimizing green infrastructure in the form of implementing Green roofs in malls and star hotels located in area where has very poor to moderate environmental classification, especially in Kemantren Gondokusuman, Umbulharjo and Kotagede.
Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur Hijau, Kualitas Udara, Urban Heat Island