Adventus Panda, Prof. Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr. drh. Wayan Tunas Artama; Dr. drh. Dwi Priyowidodo, MP.
2024 | Disertasi | S3 Biologi
Dampak usikan habitat terhadap kesehatan primata yang berhubungan dengan parasit intestinal dan komunitas bakteri belum banyak dipahami. Pada penelitian ini kami berupaya mengungkap interplay antara habitat hutan terusik, beban parasit intestinal, komunitas bakteri orangutan diantara aktifitas masyarakat dan turis di hutan log-over di LAHG-CIMTROP UPR dan hutan bekas logging di Punggualas, TN Sebangau).
Pengumpulan data mulai 20 Agustus 2021 dan berakhir tanggal 20 Nopember 2022. Metode Oldeman dengan bantuan kuadrat plot digunakan untuk menggambar profil hutan. Cacah spesies dan cacah individu per growth-form dihitung dan disajikan dalam bar-chart. Metode nest-count pada line transect untuk estimasi populasi. Perhitungan menggunakan Distance v. 7.5 for Windows. Metode follow digunakan untuk koleksi data perilaku orangutan. Perilaku feeding, traveling dan resting diekspresikan sebagai nilai persen dalam 12 jam periode aktif. Sampel feses individu orangutan dikoleksi di tiap habitat hutan berasal dari jantan dominan, bayi dan ibu, jantan remaja dan betina dewasa. Cacah spesies parasit mikroskopik dianalisis menggunakan Mini-FLOTAC dan prevalensinya dihitung. Bakteri penyusun komunitas microbiome feces orangutan, dicuplik dalam ZymoResearch DNA/RNAShield™ fecal collection tube. Konstruksi krona berdasarkan analisis bioinformatika dari data 16S full-length GridIon Oxford Nanopore Technology. Data akses masyarakat terhadap sumber daya alam di habitat kajian dikoleksi dengan metode respondent-driven sampling.
Hasil analisis mengungkap komposisi jenis penyusun pohon tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Komposisi growth-form seedling menunjukkan kemelimpahan plot pencuplikan di lokasi Punggualas. Tinggi muka air merupakan faktor pembatas terhadap pertumbuhan pohon dan vegetasi lantai. Densitas populasi orangutan di lokasi Punggualas lebih rapat dibandingkan dengan lokasi LAHG-CIMTROP. Pola diet keseluruhan orangutan selama periode studi, mengungkap berbagai bagian tumbuhan yakni buah, bunga, daun, kulit pohon sebagai preferensi diet mereka. Analisis data mikroskopik menunjukkan ada dua kelompok parasit yakni protozoa: Entamoeba, Endolimax dan Giardia; Nematoda: Trichuris, Ascaris, Enterobius, dan hookworms. Urutan prevalensi tertinggi ke terendah berturut-turut ditunjukkan E. coli, hookworm , telur A. lumricoides, Dientamoeba fragilis, E. hartmanni dan Giardia spp. Cyst per gram (CPG) E. coli berkisar 50 – 120 di semua sampel feses orangutan. Ada indikasi transmisi parasit dari aktivitas masyarakat ke orangutan di dua habitat kajian. Analisis similaritas terhadap data sekuens komunitas bakteri dalam mikrobiom feses individu orangutan antar lokasi tidak berbeda secara signifikan, R:0.072 (p-value: 0.636). Penelitian mengungkap adanya hubungan pola diet orangutan dengan komposisi bakteri penyusun komunitas mikrobiom fesesnya. Analisis terhadap aktivitas masyarakat mengungkap variabel dependen dengan kepentingan relatif yang tinggi yakni jumlah hari (100%), jauh jarak akses (95,3%) dan cara tinggal di hutan (42,1%). Aktivitas masyarakat dan turis yang padat di habitat Punggualas, tidak mengindikasikan tingginya prevalensi parasit, namun aktivitas tersebut berpengaruh terhadap perubahan wilayah jelajah orangutan.
The study aims to uncover the interplay between disturbed forest habitats, orangutans’ intestinal parasite load and bacterial communities among community and tourist activities in the log-over forest in LAHG-CIMTROP UPR and the former logging forest in Punggualas, Sebangau National Park. The impact of habitat disturbance on primate health associated with intestinal parasites and bacterial communities is not widely understood.
Data collection started on August 20, 2021, and ended on November 20, 2022. Oldeman’s method with quadrats of plots was used to draw forest profiles. The number of species and individuals per growth form was calculated and presented in a bar chart. The nest-count method with line transects was used for orangutan population estimation. The calculation used Distance v. 7.5 for Windows. The ‘follow’ method was used to collect data on orangutan behavior: feeding, travelling, and resting behaviours were expressed as percent values within 12 hours of the active period. Faecal samples of individual orangutans collected in each forest habitat came from dominant males, infants and mothers, juvenile males, and adult females. The number of microscopic parasite species was analyzed using Mini-FLOTAC, and its prevalence was calculated. The bacteria of the orangutan faecal microbiome community were extracted in the ZymoResearch DNA/RNAShieldTM faecal collection tube. Krona construction was based on bioinformatics analysis of Oxford Nanopore Technology’s 16S full-length GridIon data. Data on community access to natural resources in the study habitat were collected by the respondent-driven sampling method.
The results revealed that the composition of the constituent types of trees did not show significant differences. The seedlings showed the abundance of sampling plots at the Punggualas site. Water level is a limiting factor for tree growth and floor vegetation. The population density of orangutans at the Punggualas location is denser than at the LAHG-CIMTROP location. The orangutans’ dietary patterns revealed various plant parts—fruits, flowers, leaves, and bark—as their dietary preferences. Analysis of microscopic data showed that there were two groups of parasites: protozoa (Entamoeba, Endolimax, and Giardia) and nematodes (Trichuris, Ascaris, Enterobius, and hookworms). The order of highest to lowest prevalence was successively shown for E. coli, hookworm eggs, A. lumbricoides, Dientamoeba fragilis, E. hartmanni, and Giardia spp. Cysts per gram of E. coli range from 50 to 120 in all orangutans' fecal samples. There are indications of parasite transmission from community activities to orangutans in the two study habitats. The analysis of similarity of bacterial community sequence data in the fecal microbiome of individual orangutans between locations was not significantly different, with R: -0.072 (p-value: 0.636). Research reveals the relationship between an orangutan’s dietary pattern and the composition of bacteria that make up its fecal microbiome community. Analysis of community activities revealed dependent variables with high relative importance, namely the number of days (100%), distance of access (95.3%), and way of living in the forest (42.1%). Dense community activities in the Punggualas habitat do not indicate a high prevalence of parasites, but these activities affected changes in the orangutan’s core area.
Kata Kunci : Gap-canopy, forest profile, home-range, operational taxonomic unit, Grid-Ion ONT