Karakteristik dan Klasterisasi Jaringan Keras dan JAringan Lunak Maloklusi Skeletal Kelas I Etnis JAwa
HARYO BUNTARAN ADHI PUTRA, drg. Christnawati, M.Kes., Sp.Ort (K); drg. Darmawan Sutantyo, S.U., Sp.Ort (K)
2023 | Tesis-Spesialis | S2 Ortodonsia
Karakteristik maloklusi dipengaruhi faktor genetik dan lingkungan. Karakteristik jaringan keras dan jaringan lunak maloklusi kelas I skeletal etnis Jawa dapat diketahui menggunakan analisis sefalometri. Maloklusi kelas I skeletal etnis Jawa dapat diklasterisasi berdasarkan homogenitas variabel karakteristik tertentu yang spesifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik jaringan keras skeletal, dental, dan jaringan lunak serta klasterisasi pada maloklusi kelas I skeletal etnis Jawa.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis 31 parameter sefalometri secara digital pada 106 sampel sefalogram lateral etnis Jawa yang memiliki maloklusi kelas I skeletal untuk mengetahui karakteristik jaringan keras skeletal, dental, dan jaringan lunak. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dilakukan untuk menentukan komponen yang berpengaruh terhadap variasi klaster. Analisis Wards kemudian dilakukan untuk mengetahui klasterisasi. Hasil klasterisasi dianalisis dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan uji post hoc Mann Whitney.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan maloklusi kelas I skeletal etnis Jawa memiliki karakteristik jaringan keras skeletal cenderung protrusif dan hiperdivergen, bidental proklinasi, serta profil fasial yang protrusif. Analisis Ward menunjukkan maloklusi kelas I skeletal suku Jawa dapat dibagi menjadi 3 klaster. Klaster 1 (19,81%) memiliki karakteristik maksila protrusif, mandibula protrusif, normodivergen, bidang oklusal datar, bidental proklinasi, bibir atas dan bawah normal, serta profil protrusif. Karakteristik klaster 2 (55,66%) adalah maksila normal, mandibula normal, hiperdivergen, bidang oklusal normal, bidental proklinasi, bibir atas normal, bibir bawah protrusif, serta profil protrusif. Karakteristik klaster 3 (24,33%) yaitu maksila normal, mandibula normal, normodivergen, bidang oklusal normal, bidental retroklinasi, bibir atas dan bawah retrusif, serta profil normal. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah maloklusi kelas I skeletal etnis Jawa dapat diklasterisasi menjadi 3 klaster berdasarkan perbedaan karakteristik jaringan keras dan lunak.
The characteristics of malocclusion are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The hard tissue and soft tissue characteristics of Javanese skeletal class I malocclusions can be determined using cephalometric analysis. Javanese skeletal Class I malocclusions can be clustered based on the homogeneity of certain specific characteristic variables. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of skeletal hard tissue, dental and soft tissue as well as clustering of skeletal Class I malocclusions among Javanese ethnicity.
This study was carried out by digitally analyzing 31 cephalometric parameters on 106 samples of Javanese ethnic lateral cephalogram who had skeletal class I malocclusion to determine the characteristics of skeletal hard tissue, dental and soft tissue. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is carried out to determine the components that influence cluster variability. Wards analysis carried out to determine clustering. Clustering results were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann Whitney post hoc test.
This study showed that Javanese skeletal Class I malocclusion has characteristics of protrusive and hyperdivergent skeletal hard tissue, bidental proclination, and a protrusive facial profile. Ward's analysis shows that Javanese skeletal class I malocclusion can be divided into 3 clusters. Cluster 1 (19.81%) has characteristics of protrusive maxilla, protrusive mandible, normodivergent, flat occlusal plane, bidental proclination, normal upper and lower lips, and protrusive profile. The characteristics of cluster 2 (55.66%) are normal maxilla, normal mandible, hyperdivergent, normal occlusal plane, bidental protrusive, normal upper lip, protrusive lower lip, and protrusive profile. The characteristics of cluster 3 (24.33%) are normal maxilla, normal mandible, normodivergent, normal occlusal plane, bidental retroclination, retrusive upper and lower lips, and normal profile. The conclusion of this study is that Javanese skeletal class I malocclusion can be grouped into 3 clusters based on differences in hard and soft tissue characteristics.
Kata Kunci : maloklusi, kelas I skeletal, etnis Jawa, klasterisasi