Gambaran Perilaku Mahasiswa Keperawatan di Yogyakarta Mengenai Sustainability Consciousness
SILFINA OKTAFIYANI, Kurnia Putri Yuliandari S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc. ; Happy Indah Kusumawati, S.Kep., Ns., MN.Sc.
2024 | Skripsi | S1 ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Latar belakang: Perubahan iklim merupakan tantangan terbesar bagi kesehatan manusia. Perawat memiliki peran sentral dalam mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim pada sektor pelayanan kesehatan dan beradaptasi dengan fenomena perubahan iklim. Mahasiswa keperawatan sebagai agent of change dapat berperan serta mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim.
Tujuan Penelitian: mengetahui gambaran perilaku mahasiswa keperawatan di Yogyakarta mengenai sustainability consciousness.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional dengan responden sebanyak 444 mahasiswa dari lima perguruan tinggi di Yogyakarta yang ditentukan menggunakan metode stratified random sampling dan consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-November 2023 dengan media google formulir. Kuesioner yang digunakan adalah Sustainability Consciousness Questionnaire Long Version (SCQ-L) pada dimensi perilaku berkelanjutan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat berupa analisis deskriptif dan uji normalitas dengan Skewness-Kurtosis.
Hasil: Perilaku berkelanjutan mahasiswa keperawatan termasuk pada kategori tinggi (84,42%). Kemudian, berdasarkan rata-rata mahasiwa keperawatan memiliki nilai perilaku berkelanjutan sebesar 3,85. Nilai rata-rata tertinggi terdapat pada domai sosial yaitu sebesar 3,78 dan nilai terendah pada domain ekonomi sebesar 3,52.
Kesimpulan: Mahasiswa keperawatan sudah menerapkan perilaku yang berkelanjutan. Perilaku berkelanjutan mahasiswa keperawatan memiliki nilai tertinggi pada domain sosial dan terendah pada domain ekonomi.
Kata Kunci: perilaku, keberlanjutan, sustainability consciousness, mahasiswa keperawatan.
Background: Climate change is a matter of great concern for human health. The healthcare sector is particularly vulnerable to its effects, and nurses have a crucial role to play in mitigating and adapting to them. However, in practice, nurses often prioritize disease treatment over prevention and health improvement. Nursing students can help change this culture and promote sustainable development in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. It is widely acknowledged that sustainable development requires a shift in behavior. As such, it is important for nursing students to demonstrate sustainable behavior in order to effectively carry out their responsibilities as agents of change.
Objective: The aim of this study is to provide a description of the behavior of nursing students in Yogyakarta in relation to sustainability consciousness.
Method: This research is a descriptive quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach with 444 respondents from five universities in Yogyakarta who were determined using stratified random sampling and consecutive sampling methods. Data collection was carried out in June-November 2023 with google form media. The questionnaire used was the Sustainability Consciousness Questionnaire Long Version (SCQ-L) on the dimensions of sustainable behavior. Data analysis was carried out with univariate analysis in the form of descriptive analysis.
Result: Based on the research findings, it can be observed that nursing students demonstrate a high level of sustainable behavior (84.42%). On average, nursing students have a sustainable behavior score of 3.85. It is noteworthy that the social domain has the highest average score of 3.78, while the economic domain has the lowest score of 3.52.
Conclusion: Nursing students have implemented sustainable practices. The score of sustainable behavior among nursing students is highest in the social domain and lowest in the economic domain.
Keyword: behavior, sustainability, sustainability consciousness, nursing students.
Kata Kunci : perilaku, keberlanjutan, sustainability consciousness, mahasiswa keperawatan