Kritik Terhadap Gerakan Plant-Based Eating Ditinjau dari Deep Ecology George Sessions
Vicky Mayreza Antoni, Dr. Lailiy Muthmainnah, S.Fil., M.A.; Rona Utami, S.Fil., M.Ph.Sc.Arts.
2024 | Skripsi | ILMU FILSAFAT
Penelitian ini berfokus pada gerakan plant-based eating sebagai implementasi gaya hidup ekologis dalam kacamata deep ecology. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan kajian secara komprehensif dan sistematis terhadap proyeksi praktis George Sessions mengenai deep ecology; menguraikan pandangan mengenai gerakan plant-based eating sebagai gaya hidup ekologis; dan menganalisis secara kritis mengenai efektivitas gerakan plant-based eating melalui pandangan deep ecology. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian filsafat yang bersifat kualitatif menggunakan metode kritis, dilakukan dengan model deskripsi-analitis dan menggunakan studi kepustakaan dari berbagai sumber data. Sumber data diperoleh melalui buku, jurnal, dan artikel. Penelitian ini menggunakan pemikiran tokoh yang kemudian dikorelasikan dengan fenomena aktual, serta menggunakan unsur metodis deskripsi, interpretasi, serta refleksi kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa gerakan plant-based eating tidak sepenuhnya mampu mengimplementasikan prinsip – prinsip dalam deep ecology Arne Naess yang dielaborasi Sessions, meski terdapat kecocokan dalam konsep. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh beberapa temuan yakni: pertama, tidak ditemukannya hubungan yang ideal antara gerakan plant-based eating dan gaya hidup ekologis dalam prinsip saling bergantung; kedua, prinsip keselarasan ekosistem tidak terealisasi secara praktis namun cenderung berimplikasi negatif; ketiga, kegagalan plant-based eating menyesuaikan tujuannya dengan prinsip otonomi alam; dan keempat, potensi greenwashing dan kapitalisme hijau yang ditimbulkannya melemahkan misi lingkungan yang dibawanya. Saran yang dapat ditawarkan penelitian ini adalah dengan memaksimalkan hasil pangan lokal berkelanjutan.
This research focuses on the plant-based eating movement as an implementation of an ecological lifestyle through the lens of deep ecology. This research aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic examination of George Sessions' projection on deep ecology, outline the perspectives on the plant-based eating movement as an ecological lifestyle, and critically analyze the effectiveness of plant-based eating through the viewpoint of deep ecology. This study is qualitative philosophical research with critical method conducted using a descriptive-analytical model and drawing upon literature from various sources. Data sources were obtained from books, journals, and articles. The research utilizes the ideas of prominent figures, which are then correlated with actual phenomena, employing methodical elements of description, interpretation, and critical reflection. The results of this research conclude that the plant-based eating movement does not fully implement the principles of deep ecology as proposed by Arne Naess which had been elaborated with Sessions’ practical view, although there is a suitability in concept. This is demonstrated by several findings: firstly, the absence of an ideal connection between the plant-based eating movement and ecological lifestyle in the principles of mutual dependence; secondly, the impractical realization of the ecosystem harmony principle, which tends to have negative implications; thirdly, the failure of plant-based eating to align its goals with the principle of natural autonomy; and fourthly, the potential for greenwashing and the emergence of green capitalism, which weaken its environmental mission. A suggestion proposed by this research is to maximize the use of sustainable local food sources.
Kata Kunci : Deep Ecology Gaya Hidup Ekologis, Plant-Based Eating