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Eksplorasi Prototype Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi di Perusahaan Swasta

Madeleine Nathania Christyanto, Indrayanti, M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog

2024 | Skripsi | PSIKOLOGI

Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi prototipe kepemimpinan yang dipengaruhi oleh budaya organisasi. Kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi saling memengaruhi, keduanya penting untuk mendukung agilitas organisasi. Dalam persaingan industri, agilitas organisasi menjadi kunci daya saing. Penelitian dilakukan pada 71 karyawan perusahaan swasta di Jakarta untuk melihat persepsi karyawan terhadap tipe budaya organisasi dan signifikansi perbedaan prototipe pemimpin di setiap tipe budaya. Prototipe kepemimpinan diukur berdasarkan Implicit Leadership Theory dari studi Offermann & Coats, sementara budaya organisasi diukur melalui Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). Analisis menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan dalam prototipe kepemimpinan antar tipe budaya organisasi, kecuali budaya pasar. Budaya organisasi yang paling populer, terutama di kalangan Generasi Z dan Milenial, adalah budaya Hirarki. Prototipe kepemimpinan dalam budaya ini paling mendekati 46 karakteristik prototipe pemimpin yang dijelaskan oleh Offerman & Coats. Temuan ini memberikan gambaran tentang persepsi budaya organisasi antar-generasi dan tingkat prototipe pemimpin ideal dalam berbagai tipe budaya organisasi. Informasi ini dapat membantu menentukan arah pengembangan organisasi untuk mendukung agilitas dengan membandingkannya dengan studi sebelumnya tentang nilai-nilai penting yang belum dominan dalam persepsi karyawan pada organisasi tempat mereka bekerja.

This research explores leadership prototypes influenced by organizational culture. Leadership and organizational culture mutually influence each other, both being crucial to support organizational agility. In the industrial competition era, organizational agility is key to competitiveness. The study was conducted on 71 employees of a private company in Jakarta to examine employees' perceptions of organizational culture types and the significance of differences in leadership prototypes within each culture type. Leadership prototypes were measured based on the Implicit Leadership Theory from the study by Offermann & Coats, while organizational culture was assessed using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The analysis revealed significant differences in leadership prototypes among organizational culture types, except for the market culture. The most popular organizational culture, especially among Generation Z and Millennials, is the Hierarchy culture. The leadership prototype in this culture type closely aligns with the 46 characteristics described by Offerman & Coats. These findings provide insights into generational perceptions of organizational culture and the level of the ideal leadership prototype in various organizational culture types. This information can assist in determining the direction of organizational development to support agility by comparing it with previous studies on essential values not dominantly perceived by employees in their respective workplaces. 

Kata Kunci : Prototype kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi, swasta

  1. S1-2024-430594-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-430594-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-430594-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-430594-title.pdf