Gambaran Kepuasan Perawat Terhadap Penerapan Electronic Medical Record (EMR) di Instalasi Rawat Intensif RSUP DR Sardjito, Yogyakarta
Apri Ratna Setyawati, Ariani Arista PP, S.Kep., Ns.,MAN.,DNP ;Yayu Nidaul F,S.Kep.,Ns., M.Kep
2023 | Skripsi | ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Latar Belakang: Electronic medical record (EMR) di RSUP DR Sardjito sudah lama
diterapkan akan tetapi di instalasi rawat intensif baru bulan September
2022 dan belum pernahnya ada evaluasi
dalam penerapan EMR tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya penelitian untuk melihat mengenai gambaran
kepuasan perawat terhadap penerapan EMR di instalasi
rawat intensif. Dengan
evaluasi kepuasan diharapkan dapan memberi gambaran
untuk perbaikan EMR.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui gambaran kepuasan perawat terhadap penerapan Electronic
Medical Record (EMR) di Instalasi Rawat Intensif RSUP DR Sardjito Yogyakarta.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian diskriptif kuantitatif dengan
menggunakan desain cross sectional. Participan pada
penelitian ini adalah semua perawat yang berdinas di instalasi rawat intensif
RSUP DR Sardjito. Data diambil menggunakan Instrumen Electronic
Health Record Nurse Satisfaction (EHRNS) yang dikembangkan Sockolow et al (2011).
Hasil: Peran EMR dalam hasil perawatan pasien mendapatkan nilai M=4,2 ; SD= 0,7
penggunaan EMR terhadap kenyamanan pasien mendapatkan nilai M=3,7; SD=0,9
. Pelatihan mendapatkan nilai M=4,4 ; SD=0.9 dengan interprestasi
terbalik hasil tidak memuaskan. Peran
EMR dalam hal keselamatan pasien mendapat nilai M=3,6; SD 0,8 . Jadi hasil penelitian didapatkan sebagaian besar perawat
sudah puas dengan
penerapan EMR yang ada di instalasi rawat
intensif RSUP Dr Sardjito.
Kesimpulan: Penerapan EMR yang baru saja diterapkan di Instalasi Rawat Intensif menurut perawat yang berdinas di
instalasi tersebut secara keseluruhan sudah merasa puas dengan beberapa item pada fungsi EMR yang digunakan, akan
tetapi ada beberapa item yang kurang
memuaskan dan perlu diperbaiki, misalnya pada pelatihan dan pembiayaan pengembangan EMR.
Background: Electronic medical records (EMR) at DR Sardjito General Hospital have been implemented for a long time, but in
the intensive care installation only in September 2022 and there has never been an evaluation of the implementation of the EMR. Therefore, research is needed to see the picture of nurses' satisfaction with the implementation of EMR in intensive care installations. With
the satisfaction evaluation, it is hoped that it can provide an idea for improving
the EMR.
Research Objective: To find out the description of nurses' satisfaction with the implementation of Electronic Medical
Records (EMR) in the Intensive
Care Installation at DR Sardjito
Hospital, Yogyakarta.
Method: This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a cross
sectional design. Participants in
this study were all nurses who served in the intensive care installation at RSUP DR Sardjito. Data was taken using the
Electronic Health Record Nurse Satisfaction
(EHRNS) instrument developed
by Sockolow et al (2011).
Results: The role of EMR in patient care outcomes received a value of M=4.2;
SD= 0.7. The effect of using EMR on
patient comfort received a value of M=3.7; SD=0.9. Training gets a value of M=4.4; SD=0.9 with
reverse interpretation of unsatisfactory results. The role of EMR in terms of patient
safety received a score of M=3.6; SD 0.8 . So the research results showed that the majority of
nurses were satisfied with the implementation of EMR in the intensive care installation at Dr
Sardjito Hospital.
Conclusion: The EMR implementation that has just been implemented in the Intensive Care Installation, according to the nurses
who work in the installation, is overall satisfied with several items in the EMR function used, however there are
several items that are unsatisfactory
and need to be improved, for example
in training and financing EMR development.
Kata Kunci : Electronic medical record, kepuasan, perawat