Pengaruh Komposisi Media dan Tinggi Pangkasan terhadap Perakaran Stek Pucuk Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn ex. Benth sampai Umur 7 Minggu
Riska Agusnita Pradana, Ir. Adriana, M.P. ; M. Gunawan Wibisono, S.Hut., M.Hum., M.Sc
2024 | Skripsi | KEHUTANAN
Information on treatments such as media composition and pruning height on the rooting ability of A. auriculiformis shoot cuttings is limited. Rooting of 8-week-old A. auriculiformis shoot cuttings in previous studies resulted in high rooting percentage, so this study can shorten the time to provide seedlings. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of media composition and pruning height on the rooting of A. auriculiformis shoot cuttings until 7 weeks of age.
The research design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) consisting of two treatments, namely media composition (soil : rice-husk charcoal : fermented manure = 1: 1: 2 and 2: 1: 1) and pruning height (20 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm) with 3 blocks as replications. There were 6 treatment combinations and each combination contained 7 shoot cuttings, so the total number of used was 126 shoots. Parameters measured were seedling height, diameter, number of leaves, number and length of main roots, number and length of branch roots, and seedling biomass (roots, stems, leaves).
The results showed that the media composition did not differ significantly in the rooting of A. auriculiformis cuttings. This indicates that both media compositions can be used as propagation media for A. auriculiformis cuttings. However, there was a tendency that the media composition of 2 : 1 : 1 produced higher mean total biomass (leaves, stems, and roots) than the other media compositions. The treatment of pruning height did not differ significantly in the rooting of A. auriculiformis cuttings. However, there was a tendency that 60 cm and 100 cm pruning height produced higher mean root, stem, leaf, and total biomass than 20 cm pruning height.
Keywords : Acacia auriculiformis, growth, rooting, seedling biomass, shoot cuttings
Kata Kunci : Acacia auriculiformis, pertumbuhan, perakaran, biomassa semai, stek pucuk