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Sigit Puspito, Ir. Muhlisin, S.Pt., M.Agri., Ph.D., IPP.

2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Peternakan

Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi rhodomyrtone sabagai senyawa antimetanogen untuk mitigasi metana sektor peternakan. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu metode in silico molekuler docking dan metode in vitro produksi gas. Metode In silico moleculer docking menggunakan aplikasi Autodock Vina 1.5.7 untuk menggabungkan rhodomyrtone sabagai ligan dan methyl-coenzyme reductase (MCR) sebagai protein target. Parameter yang dievaluasi adalah nilai binding affinity, nilai RSMD dan ikatan yang terbentuk. Evaluasi rhodomyrtone dilanjutkan dengan metode in vitro produksi gas. Percobaan ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 1 perlakuan berupa 3 dosis rhodomyrtone. Dosis perlakuan rhodomytrtone P0 0 µg/ml, P1 0,125 µg/ml, P2 0,25 µg/ml. Variabel yang diamati terdiri dari  parameter fermentasi yaitu produksi gas metana dan CO2, pH, Kadar NH3, protein mikroba, aktivitas enzim karboksi metil selulase (CMCase), amilase, dan enzim protease, jumlah protozoa serta parameter kecernaan rumen yang terdiri dari kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK) bahan organik (KcBO), dan kecernaan protein kasar (KcPK). Data yang didapat diuji menggunakan analisis variansi (ANOVA) rancangan acak kelompok dan jika terjadi perbedaan akan di uji lanjut menggunakan Duncan’s multiple-range test (DMRT).  Hasil evaluasi secara molekuler docking menunjukan rhodomyrtone dapat mengikat enzim MCR dengan nilai binding affininty antara -7.8 sampai -9.5 kcal/mol. Nilai RMSD terbaik yang di hasilkan oleh rhodomyrtone adalah pada mode 1 yaitu 2.4 A sehingga memenuhi kriteria proses docking yang berhasil. Rhodomyrtone memiliki 4 ikatan hidrogen dengan residu asam amino seperti TYR D: 133, ARG F: 120, ARG F: 120, GLY D: 397 dan 3 ikatan hidrofobik. Interaksi yang terbentuk antara rhodomyrtone dan protein MCR menurut hasil molekuler docking menunjukkan interaksi yang kuat. Hasil dari uji in vitro menunjukkan bahwa pemberian rhodomyrtone tidak berpengaruh nyata pada produksi total gas, produksi gas metana, NH3, pH, aktifitas CMCase, amilase serta jumlah protozoa  tetapi memberikan dampak nyata (P<0>rhodomyrtone sampai level 0,25 µg/ml belum mampu menurunkan produksi metana secara statistik ketika di evaluasi secara in vitro. Rhodomyrtone secara prosentase angka menurunkan metana sebesar 8,8% untuk dosis pertama dan 7,2% untuk dosis ke dua.

This research evaluates rhodomyrtone as an antimetanogenic compound for methane mitigation in the livestock sector. The evaluation was carried out by the in silico molecular docking method and in vitro gas production method. In silico molecular docking, the method uses Autodock Vina 1.5.7 application to combine rhodomyrtone as ligand and methyl-coenzyme reductase (MCR) as the target protein. The parameters evaluated were the binding affinity value, Root Mean Square Deviation (RSMD) value, and the bond formed. Evaluation of rhodomyrtone continued with the in vitro method of gas production. This experiment used a randomized group design with one treatment of 3 doses of rhodomyrtone. Rhodomytrtone treatment dose P0 0 µg/ml, P1 0.125 µg/ml, P2 0.25 µg/ml. The observed variables consisted of fermentation parameters, namely methane gas and CO2 production, pH, NH3 levels, microbial protein, carboxy methyl cellulase enzyme activity, amylase enzyme activity, protease enzyme activity, number of protozoa and rumen digestibility parameters consisting of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility, crude protein (CP) digestibility, crude fiber digestibility. The data obtained was tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) in a randomized block design. If a difference existed, it would be further tested using Duncan's multiple-range test (DMRT). The result of molecular docking evaluation is Rhodomyrtone has a binding affinity value between -7.8 to -9.5 kcal/mol. The best RMSD value produced by rhodomyrtone is in mode 1, which is 2.4 A, so it meets the criteria of a successful docking process. Rhodomyrtone has four hydrogen bonds with amino acid residues such as TYR D: 133, ARG F: 120, ARG F: 120, GLY D: 397, and 3 hydrophobic bonds. The interaction between rhodomyrtone and MCR protein showed a strong interaction according to the molecular docking results. The results of the in vitro test showed that the provision of rhodomyrtone had no significant effect on total gas production, methane gas production, NH3, pH, CMCase activity, amylase, total VFA, and the number of protozoa but had a real impact on reducing microbial protein, protease activity, protein digestibility, crude fiber digestibility and increased the propionate production. The use of rhodomyrtone up to the level of 0.25 µg/ml has not been able to reduce methane production statistically when evaluated in vitro. Rhodomyrtone percentage-wise reduced methane by 8.8% for the first and 7.2% for the second.

Kata Kunci : Methane Gas, Ruminants, rhodomyrtone, antimicrobial, In Vitro

  1. S2-2024-489159-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-489159-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-489159-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-489159-title.pdf