Dampak Kenaikan Besaran Pajak Mineral Bukan Logam dan Batuan Terhadap Efektivitas Pemungutan Oleh Tim Petugas Tempat Pemungutan Pajak Mineral Bukan Logam dan Batuan di Kabupaten Magelang
Rizaldy Rama Dhana Nursigit, Dwi Haryati, S.H., M.H.
2024 | Skripsi | ILMU HUKUM
Non-Metallic Mineral and Rock Tax is a tax on non-metallic mineral and rock extraction activities, both from natural sources within and/or on the surface of the earth for commercial use. The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of the Non-Metallic Mineral and Rock Tax Collection Post after the new amount determined through Magelang Regent Decree Number 180.182/202/KEP/23/2019 on the Granting of Non-Metallic Mineral and Rock Tax Relief by looking at the opinions of the authorized government agencies namely the Regional Revenue, Financial and Asset Management Agency, JPAP Magelang Raya as a party that rejects the new tax amount, and MTC as a party that supports the new tax amount.
The results of the research will be carried out using the normative-empirical method and qualitative data analysis is carried out which produces effectiveness factors and is based on literature research and field research explained descriptively.
The authority to collect Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax in Magelang District is fully implemented in a free and fair manner by BPPKAD Magelang District by establishing three Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Collection Posts, two supporting posts and one main post. The post has two functions, namely receiving payments from MBLB transportation crews that collect from illegal mining, and checking the tickets of MBLB transportation crews that collect from legal mining. This is because there are still many illegal mines operating in Magelang District. The new MBLB tax rate implemented through the Magelang Regent Decree Number 180.182/202/KEP/23/2019 received various rejections by breaking through the post, but also not a few who consciously obeyed to pay but gradually chose not to pay due to jealousy factors. Effectiveness is not achieved due to low taxpayer awareness and is the main obstacle for BPPKAD in carrying out law enforcement. Various efforts have been made including assisting tasks to law enforcement officials, namely the Indonesian National Army, Indonesian Police, Departement of Transportation and Military Police.
Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, Pajak Mineral Bukan Logam dan Batuan, Penegakan