± 8,99 dan mahasiswa perempuan sebesar 79,54 ± 8,77. Jenis kelamin memiliki kontribusi yang cukup kuat terhadap motivasi perawatan ortodonti. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa perempuan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada mempunyai motivasi yang lebih tinggin untuk melakukan perawatan ortodonti gigi berjejal dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa laki-laki.  Orthodontic therapy motivation is crucial for the success of orthodontic care. Gaining an understanding of the disparities in motivation among male and female students might offer significant insights for implementing more efficient approach tactics. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that drive male and female students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, to seek orthodontic treatment.This study utilized a cross-sectional methodology, where a total of 100 participants were chosen using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, taking into account their academic year and gender. The Motivation for Orthodontic Treatment Scale (MOTS) was utilized as the assessment tool, consisting of 27 questionnaires with Likert-scale responses. Kendall Tau-b correlation analysis was employed to assess the correlation values, with significance level of p < 0>The findings indicated that female student shown greater motivation in comparison to male students (p < 0 xss="removed">± 8,99 for male students and 79,54 ± 8,77 for female students. Gender exhibited a noteworthy impact on the motivation for orthodontic treatment. Female students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, exhibit greater motivation than male stundents to undertake orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth, according to the findings of this study."> ± 8,99 dan mahasiswa perempuan sebesar 79,54 ± 8,77. Jenis kelamin memiliki kontribusi yang cukup kuat terhadap motivasi perawatan ortodonti. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa perempuan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada mempunyai motivasi yang lebih tinggin untuk melakukan perawatan ortodonti gigi berjejal dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa laki-laki.  Orthodontic therapy motivation is crucial for the success of orthodontic care. Gaining an understanding of the disparities in motivation among male and female students might offer significant insights for implementing more efficient approach tactics. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that drive male and female students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, to seek orthodontic treatment.This study utilized a cross-sectional methodology, where a total of 100 participants were chosen using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, taking into account their academic year and gender. The Motivation for Orthodontic Treatment Scale (MOTS) was utilized as the assessment tool, consisting of 27 questionnaires with Likert-scale responses. Kendall Tau-b correlation analysis was employed to assess the correlation values, with significance level of p < 0>The findings indicated that female student shown greater motivation in comparison to male students (p < 0 xss="removed">± 8,99 for male students and 79,54 ± 8,77 for female students. Gender exhibited a noteworthy impact on the motivation for orthodontic treatment. Female students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, exhibit greater motivation than male stundents to undertake orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth, according to the findings of this study.">
Laporkan Masalah

Perbandingan Motivasi Perawatan Ortodonti Gigi Berjejal Antara Mahasiswa Laki-Laki dan Perempuan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada

MONICA NATHANIA HANDOKO, Dr. drg. Dyah Karunia, Sp.Ort.(K) ; drg. Yanuarti Retnaningrum, Sp.Ort.(K)


Motivasi perawatan ortodonti menjadi faktor kunci dalam keberhasilan perawatan ortodonti. Pemahaman perbedaan motivasi antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan dapat memberikan informasi yang berharga dalam strategi pendekatan yang lebih efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada dalam melakukan perawatan ortodonti.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian berjumlah seratus dipilih dengan metode secara Proporsionate Stratified Random Sampling berdasarkan angkatan dan jenis kelamin. Instrumen pengukuran motivasi mengadaptasi Motivation for Orthodontic Treatment Scale (MOTS) digunakan 27 kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi Kendall Tau-b untuk mengetahui mengukur nilai korelasi dengan p < 0>

Hasil penelitian menunjukan motivasi mahasiswa perempuan lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa laki-laki (p < 0 xss="removed">± 8,99 dan mahasiswa perempuan sebesar 79,54 ± 8,77. Jenis kelamin memiliki kontribusi yang cukup kuat terhadap motivasi perawatan ortodonti. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa perempuan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada mempunyai motivasi yang lebih tinggin untuk melakukan perawatan ortodonti gigi berjejal dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa laki-laki. 

Orthodontic therapy motivation is crucial for the success of orthodontic care. Gaining an understanding of the disparities in motivation among male and female students might offer significant insights for implementing more efficient approach tactics. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that drive male and female students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, to seek orthodontic treatment.

This study utilized a cross-sectional methodology, where a total of 100 participants were chosen using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, taking into account their academic year and gender. The Motivation for Orthodontic Treatment Scale (MOTS) was utilized as the assessment tool, consisting of 27 questionnaires with Likert-scale responses. Kendall Tau-b correlation analysis was employed to assess the correlation values, with significance level of p < 0>

The findings indicated that female student shown greater motivation in comparison to male students (p < 0 xss="removed">± 8,99 for male students and 79,54 ± 8,77 for female students. Gender exhibited a noteworthy impact on the motivation for orthodontic treatment. Female students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, exhibit greater motivation than male stundents to undertake orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth, according to the findings of this study.

Kata Kunci : Motivasi/Motivation, perawatan ortodonti/orthodontic treatment, mahasiswa/students, jenis kelamin/gender

  1. S1-2023-461838-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-461838-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-461838-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-461838-title.pdf  
  5. S1-2024-461838-abstract.pdf  
  6. S1-2024-461838-bibliography.pdf  
  7. S1-2024-461838-tableofcontent.pdf  
  8. S1-2024-461838-title.pdf