Pengaruh Fraksi Volumetrik Pita Serat Sutra Samia ricini pada Material Fiber Reinforced Composite terhadap Perlekatan Streptococcus mutans
ANNURSINA ZAHRA YUNDIAFI, Dr. drg. Harsini, M.S.; Prof. Dr. drg. Siti Sunarintyas, M.Kes.
Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) adalah material resin komposit yang dikombinasikan dengan bahan penguat berupa fiber. Salah satu jenis fiber yang dapat digunakan adalah pita serat sutra Samia ricini. Material FRC akan berinteraksi dengan saliva dan mikroorganisme. Streptococcus mutans adalah salah satu bakteri yang ada di rongga mulut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh fraksi volumetrik pita serat sutra Samia ricini pada material fiber reinforced composite terhadap perlekatan S. mutans.
Bahan penelitian adalah resin komposit flowable unfilled resin (Denfil Flow, Korea) yang diberi pita serat sutra Samia ricini. Sampel berbentuk balok 5 x 4 x 2 mm, sejumlah 18 yang terbagi dalam 3 kelompok (n=6) (kelompok fraksi volumetrik 0%, 25%, dan 50%). Sampel direndam saliva selama 1 jam, selanjutnya diinkubasi dalam suspensi S. mutans 24? jam? (37?C). Sampel digetarkan selama 30 detik dan diencerkan hingga 10-3. Suspensi 0,1 mL dituangkan pada media agar BHI, selanjutnya diinkubasi? selama? 48? jam? (3?C).? Streptococcus mutans yang tumbuh dihitung dalam satuan CFU/mL. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANAVA satu jalur (??=?0,05)? dan LSD.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata jumlah koloni S. mutans pada resin komposit dengan fraksi volumetrik 0% (24,67 ± 6,44); FRC dengan fraksi volumetrik 25% (45,83 ± 4,71); dan FRC dengan fraksi volumetrik 50% (97,50 ± 10,75). Analisis ANAVA satu jalur menunjukkan nilai F sebesar 141,049 (p<0>Samia ricini pada material fiber reinforced composite berpengaruh meningkatkan perlekatan S. mutans.
Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) is a composite resin material combined with reinforcing material in the form of fiber. One type of fiber that can be used is Samia ricini silk fiber ribbon. FRC material will interact with saliva and microorganisms. Streptococcus mutans is one of the bacteria in the oral cavity. This research aims to determine the effect of the volumetric fraction of Samia ricini silk fiber ribbon on fiber reinforced composite material on the attachment of S. mutans.
The research material is flowable unfilled resin composite resin (Denfil Flow, Korea) which is given Samia ricini silk fiber ribbon. The samples were in the form of blocks 5 x 4 x 2 mm, a total of 18 which were divided into 3 groups (n=6) (0%, 25%, and 50% volumetric fraction groups). The samples were soaked in saliva for 1 hour, then incubated in S. mutans suspension? for? 24? hours? (37?C).? Samples? were vibrated for 30 seconds and diluted to 10-3. 0.1 mL of suspension was poured onto BHI agar media, and then incubated? for? 48? hours? (37?C).? Streptococcus mutans growth is calculated in CFU/mL units. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA (??=?0.05)? and? LSD.
The results showed the average number of S. mutans colonies on composite resin with a volumetric fraction of 0% (24.67 ± 6.44); FRC with a volumetric fraction of 25% (45.83 ± 4.71); and FRC with a volumetric fraction of 50% (97.50 ± 10.75). One way ANOVA analysis showed an F value of 141.049 (p<0>Samia ricini silk fiber ribbon in fiber reinforced composite material affects increasing the attachment of S. mutans.
Kata Kunci : Samia ricini, fiber reinforced composite, Streptococcus mutans