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Pengaruh Daya Antibakteri Larutan Irigasi Eco-enzyme Limbah Jeruk Peras (Citrus sinensis L.) 10 Persen terhadap Pertumbuhan Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

ANABEL AURELIA FIELAFIQI, drg. Hendrawati, M.Kes.; drg. Sri Pramestri Lastianny, MS, Sp.Perio(K)


Periodontitis merupakan suatu penyakit inflamasi jaringan periodontal yang dapat disebabkan oleh Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa). Terapi adjuvan yang dilakukan setelah perawatan penyakit periodontal dapat meningkatkan efikasi terapi, salah satunya yaitu irigasi subgingiva. Eco-enzyme limbah jeruk peras (Citrus sinensis L.) dibuat dari proses fermentasi yang menghasilkan senyawa antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh daya antibakteri larutan irigasi eco-enzyme limbah jeruk peras (Citrus sinensis L.) 10% terhadap pertumbuhan Aa.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode difusi cakram Kirby-Bauer untuk menguji daya antibakteri larutan terhadap Aa. Terdapat tiga larutan uji yang digunakan yaitu kelompok perlakuan (larutan irigasi eco-enzyme limbah jeruk peras (Citrus sinensis L.) 10%), kontrol positif (klorheksidin 0,2%), dan kontrol negatif (akuades). Setiap kelompok terdiri dari sembilan sampel yang akan dilakukan pengukuran diameter zona hambat dengan sliding calliper pada area bening di sekitar kertas cakram. Data rerata hasil pengukuran dianalisis menggunakan One-Way Anova dan dilanjutkan dengan metode post hoc (LSD).
Hasil penelitian menyatakan terdapat perbedaan signifikan antar larutan uji  (p<0> eco-enzyme dan kontrol positif, kelompok eco-enzyme dan kontrol negatif, serta kelompok kontrol positif dan kontrol negatif menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0>eco-enzyme limbah jeruk peras (Citrus sinensis L.) 10?rpengaruh menghambat pertumbuhan Aa.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of periodontal tissue that can be caused by Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa). Adjuvant therapy carried out after treatment of periodontal disease can increase the efficacy of therapy, one of which is subgingival irrigation. Eco-enzyme from squeezed orange waste (Citrus sinensis L.) was produced by fermentation process that result antibacterial compound. The objective of this research was to determine the antibacterial effect of 10?o-enzyme irrigation solution from squeezed orange waste (Citrus sinensis L.) on the growth of Aa.

This study used the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method to test the antibacterial effect of the solution against Aa bacteria. There were three test solutions that we used, 10?o-enzyme irrigation solution from squeezed orange waste (Citrus sinensis L.), positive control (0,2% chlorhexidine), and negative control (aquadest). Each group was repeated for nine times and then the diameter of the inhibition zone was measured using a sliding caliper. The mean of measurement data was analyzed using One-Way Anova and continued with the post hoc method (LSD).

The research result showed that there was a significant difference between the test solutions (p<0>Citrus sinensis L.) has an effect on inhibiting the growth of Aa.

Kata Kunci : A.actinomycetemcomitans, eco-enzyme, Citrus sinensis L., antibakteri, antibacterial

  1. S1-2023-461815-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-461815-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-461815-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-461815-title.pdf  
  5. S1-2024-461815-abstract.pdf  
  6. S1-2024-461815-bibliography.pdf  
  7. S1-2024-461815-tableofcontent.pdf  
  8. S1-2024-461815-title.pdf