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Mapping and Measuring Key Project Manager Competencies for Project Success in Construction Industry

Rofik Nurhidayat, Rocky Adiguna, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D.

2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA

Proyek konstruksi merupakan suatu hal yang kompleks, berisiko tinggi dan penuh tantangan. Buruknya kinerja proyek konstruksi merupakan masalah global. Keberhasilan proyek adalah ketika proyek selesai tepat waktu, sesuai anggaran, dan mencapai sasaran kinerja. Salah satu variabel yang dapat memprediksi dan meningkatkan kemungkinan keberhasilan suatu proyek adalah kompetensi manajer proyek.

Kompetensi manajer proyek merupakan variabel yang dapat dipersiapkan organisasi untuk meningkatkan tingkat keberhasilan proyek. Kinerja proyek yang buruk dapat disebabkan oleh manajer proyek yang tidak kompeten dan rendahnya kualitas manajer proyek merupakan faktor manusia yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan proyek. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas peneliti memutuskan untuk memetakan dan mengukur faktor keberhasilan kompetensi manajer proyek di industri konstruksi dengan tinjauan literatur sistematis dan dilanjutkan dengan metode survei konsensus Delphi.

Dari peserta wawancara Delphi, hasil konsensus faktor keberhasilan kompetensi manajer proyek di industri konstruksi adalah: 1) kepemimpinan, 2) keterampilan teknis, 3) perencanaan, 4) pemantauan dan pengendalian, 5) orientasi hasil, 6) keuangan dan komersial, 7) komunikasi. Berdasarkan penelitian melalui tinjauan literatur sistematis dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pendekatan survei konsensus Delphi, ketujuh kompetensi manajer proyek merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan proyek konstruksi. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan tinjauan literatur dan pendekatan wawancara ahli sepakat bahwa kompetensi manajer proyek berkaitan erat dengan keberhasilan proyek dan sepakat bahwa terdapat faktor keberhasilan kompetensi manajer proyek.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor keberhasilan kompetensi manajer proyek pada proyek konstruksi sehingga pada akhirnya meningkatkan kemungkinan tingkat keberhasilan proyek dan pada akhirnya dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap keuntungan perusahaan dan keberlanjutan perusahaan.

 The construction industry plays a vital role in infrastructure development and improves the socio-economic status with employment opportunities and contribution to gross domestic progress (GDP) of countries. Construction project is complex, high-risk and challenging. Poor performance of construction projects is a global issue. Project success is when it is completed on time, on budget, and achieves the performance goals. One of the variables that can predict and increase the probability of successful project is the competencies of project manager. The competencies of project manager are the variable that can be prepared by the organization to increase the project success rate. Poor project performance can be caused by incompetent project managers and low-quality project managers are human factors that can lead to project failures.

Based on the aforementioned above researcher decided to map and measure the success factor of project manager competencies in construction industry with systematic literature review and continued with Delphi consensus survey method. Researcher conducted systematic literature review started with selecting and screening the related journals from reputable sources; From the results of systematic literature  review then process continued to two rounds Delphi consensus approach. 

There were 3 additional success factors from the Delphi interview participants, i.e., spiritual intelligence, managing diversity and agility. The result of consensus of the success factors of project manager competencies in construction industry were:  1) leadership, 2) technical skill, 3) planning, 4) monitoring and control, 5) result orientation, 6) financial and commercial, 7) communication. Based on the research through systematic literature review and then continued with Delphi consensus survey approach, the seven project manager competencies were the factors that influence to enhance the construction project success. The findings of this research reveal that both literature review approach and experts interview approach agreed that project manager competencies closely related with project success and agreed that there were success factors of project managers competencies. The objective of this study is to identify the success factor of project manager competencies in construction project then eventually increasing the probability of project success rate and eventually can contribute positively to the company profit and company sustainability.

Kata Kunci : construction project, project manager, competency, project success, success factor, mapping and measuring

  1. S2-2023-471206-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-471206-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-471206-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-471206-title.pdf