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Disrupsi dan Resiliensi Usaha Perkebunan Rakyat di Provinsi Bengkulu

Apri Andani, Prof. Dr. Ir. Irham, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr. Jamhari, S.P., M.P.; Ir. Any Suryantini, M.M., Ph.D.

2024 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Pertanian

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui keberadaan dan dampak disrupsi

usaha perkebunan rakyat, (2) Mengetahui strategi mitigasi disrupsi oleh usaha

perkebunan rakyat, (3) Mengetahui kepemilikan sumber daya dan tingkat

aksesibilitas usaha perkebunan rakyat, (4) Mengukur tingkat resiliensi usaha

perkebunan rakyat, dan (5) Mengetahui pengaruh disrupsi, sumber daya, dan

aksesibilitas terhadap resiliensi usaha perkebunan rakyat di Provinsi Bengkulu.

Penelitian ini dilakukan di tiga kabupaten di Provinsi Bengkulu, yaitu Kabupaten

Bengkulu Selatan, Bengkulu Utara, dan Rejang Lebong, dengan masing-masing

komoditas yang mewakili tiap kabupaten secara berurutan adalah kelapa sawit,

karet, dan kopi. Sebanyak 360 responden petani pemilik usaha perkebunan rakyat

diambil melalui teknik snowball sampling. Disrupsi diukur melalui intensitas kejadian

dan dampak yang ditimbulkan, dan mitigasi disrupsi dianalisis melalui pendekatan

diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD). Sumber daya dan aksesibilitas dianalisis dengan

pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Tingkat resiliensi diukur melalui empat dimensi

daya, adaptasi, pulih (recovery), antisipasi, dan inovasi. Sementara faktor yang

mempengaruhi resiliensi dianalisis dengan pendekatan model regresi binomial

probit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Volatilitas harga, keterbatasan

modal, ketidakpastian produksi, dan perubahan iklim memiliki dampak terbesar dan

bersifat disruptif pada usaha perkebunan rakyat, sedangkan epidemi dan kesehatan

keluarga, resistensi, serta rendahnya kesadaran petani dalam memanfaatkan

teknologi untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunan berdampak cukup disruptif bagi usaha

perkebunan rakyat di Provinsi Bengkulu. (2) Strategi mitigasi yang paling dominan

dilakukan adalah strategi transference (pemindahan). Strategi ini menitik-beratkan

pada pengalihan upaya pemecahan masalah kepada pihak lain karena

keterbatasan kemampuan dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh petani. Sementara

menurut pakar akademisi, strategi mitigasi yang paling dominan yang dapat

dilakukan petani adalah mengurangi dampak kejadian disrupsi dengan melakukan

upaya-upaya transformasi kemitraan dan kelembagaan petani serta optimalisasi

peran kelompok tani agar dapat mendukung usaha perkebunan rakyat menjadi lebih

resilien. Sementara menurut pakar pemerintah, pemerintah memiliki berbagai

program kompensasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan petani untuk mengatasi disrupsi dan

meningkatkan resiliensi usaha perkebunan rakyat, seperti program revitalisasi

perkebunan melalui peremajaan tanaman dan penggantian benih asalan,

pemberian edukasi, penguatan kelembagaan, dan penerapan Good Handling

Practices (GHP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), dan Good Agricultural

Practices (GAP). (3) Kepemilikan sumber daya dan tingkat aksesibilitas usaha

perkebunan rakyat di Provinsi Bengkulu masih rendah. (4) Lebih dari lima puluh

persen usaha perkebunan rakyat di Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan usaha

perkebunan yang kurang resilien. (5) Masalah input, volatilitas harga,

ketidakpastian permintaan, keterbatasan modal, perilaku konsumen, keinginan

melakukan konversi lahan, perubahan iklim, dan perilaku budidaya tidak ramah

lingkungan berpengaruh negatif dan berpeluang membuat usaha perkebunan

rakyat menjadi kurang resilien. Keikutsertaan dalam pelatihan, modal kerja,

kepemilikan teknologi budidaya, usia tanaman, dan tingkat aksesibilitas terhadap

sumber daya alam berpengaruh positif dan meningkatkan peluang usaha

perkebunan rakyat menjadi lebih resilien.

This research aims to (1) find out the existence and impact of disruption as a factor

that disrupts the resilience of smallholder plantations, (2) investigate strategies for

mitigating disruption by smallholder plantations, (3) analyze resource ownership

and level of accessibility of smallholder plantations, (4) analyze the level of

resilience of smallholder plantations, and (5) analyze the influence of disruption,

resources and accessibility on the resilience of smallholder plantations in Bengkulu

Province. This research was conducted in three districts in Bengkulu Province,

namely South Bengkulu, North Bengkulu, and Rejang Lebong, with each commodity

representing each district sequentially being palm oil, rubber, and coffee. A total of

360 farmers who own smallholding plantations were taken using snowball sampling

techniques. Disruption is measured through the intensity and the impacts of events,

and disruption mitigation is analyzed through a focus group discussion (FGD)

approach. Resources and accessibility are analyzed using a quantitative descriptive

method. The level of resilience is measured through four dimensions of resilience,

which are adaptation, recovery, anticipation, and innovation. Meanwhile, factors

influencing resilience are analyzed by using a binomial probit regression model. The

results show that: (1) Price volatility, limited capital, production uncertainty, and

climate change have the largest and most disruptive impact on smallholder

plantations, while epidemics and family health, resistance, and low awareness of

farmers in utilizing technology for plantation business activities have quite a

disruptive impact on smallholder plantations in Bengkulu Province. (2) The most

dominant mitigation strategy implemented by the farmers is the transference

strategy. This strategy focuses on transferring problem-solving efforts to other

parties due to the limited capabilities and resources owned by farmers. Meanwhile,

according to academic experts, the most dominant mitigation strategy that farmers

can use to reduce the impact of disruptions is partnerships transformation between

farmer and institutions as well as optimizing the role of farmer groups so that they

can support smallholder plantations to become more resilient. Meanwhile, according

to government experts, the government has various compensation programs that

farmers can use to overcome disruption and increase their resilience level, such as

plantation revitalization programs through plant rejuvenation and replacing random

seeds, providing education, strengthening institutions, and implementing GHP,

GMP, and GAP. (3) Resource ownership and the level of accessibility of smallholder

plantations in Bengkulu Province are still low. (4) More than fifty percent of

smallholder plantations in Bengkulu Province are less resilient. (5) Input problems,

price volatility, demand uncertainty, limited capital, consumer behavior, intention of

land conversion, climate change, and environmentally unfriendly farming behavior

have a negative influence and potentially make smallholder plantations in Bengkulu

Province less resilient. Meanwhile, participation in training, working capital,

ownership of cultivation technology, plant age, and natural resources accessibility

have a positive influence and increase opportunities for smallholder plantations in

Bengkulu Province to become more resilient.

Kata Kunci : Disrupsi, Sumber daya, Aksesibilitas, Resiliensi, Perkebunan Rakyat / Disruption, Resources, Accessibility, Resilience, Smallholder Plantations

  1. S3-2024-437746-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2024-437746-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2024-437746-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2024-437746-title.pdf