Kajian Potensi Biofisik Lingkungan Healing Forest di Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Bunder Kabupaten Gunungkidul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Serly Andini Pertiwi, Dr. Emilya Nurjani, S. Si., M. Si., Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, S.U.
2023 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Lingkungan
Terapi hutan terbukti mampu memberikan relaksasi dan mengurangi stres berdampak positif terhadap kondisi fisiologis tubuh manusia. Manfaat healing forest dengan orientasi untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan (preservative) akan dapat dirasakan jika didukung dengan kondisi lingkungan tapak yang kondusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi biofisik lingkungan healing forest di Taman Hutan Raya Bunder yang mengacu pada SNI 9006:2021 tentang Wisata Hutan untuk Terapi Kesehatan.
Metode penelitian observasi lapangan terhadap komponen lingkungan antara lain suhu dan kelembapan relatif, kecepatan angin, intensitas cahaya, dan kandungan ion negatif. Analisis spasial kelerengan melalui pengolahan data DEM, kerapatan vegetasi dengan metode NDVI menggunakan citra Landsat 8/9. Penentuan bobot kriteria menggunakan penilaian pakar metode Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) dilanjutkan penilaian potensi lingkungan dengan teknik skoring dan overlay.
Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa dibeberapa titik kawasan Tahura Bunder memenuhi standar kriteria healing forest untuk kerapatan vegetasi sedang sampai tinggi sebanyak 90,87?ri total luas kawasan dengan suhu berkisar 24,1ºC-27,7ºC, kelembapan 65%-93%, kecepatan angin maksimal 0.2 m/s. Kelerengan datar sampai landai sebesar 46,03?ri total luas kawasan, tingkat kebisingan 48,9-51,7 dB serta kandungan ion negatif, > 1000 ion/cm3. Tingkat kenyamanan termal nyaman optimal pada pagi hari. Peningkatan kualitas lingkungan healing forest yang dapat dilakukan yaitu melalui pengayaan vegetasi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik lahan untuk menambah estetika dan mengurangi intensitas cahaya matahari guna mereduksi suhu udara sehingga dapat menambah tingkat kenyamanan termal. Adapun lokasi preservative healing forest yang dapat direkomendasikan yaitu lokasi dengan mempertimbangkan arah pengelolaan berdasarkan fungsi, peruntukan, aksesibilitas, keamanan serta ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pendukung HF.
Forest therapy has been proven to be able to provide relaxation and reduce stress and have a positive impact on the physiological condition of the human body. Benefit of healing forest with an orientation towards health maintenance (preservative) will be felt if it is supported by conducive site environmental conditions. This research aims to examine the biophysical potential of the environment healing forest in Bunder Forest Park which refers to SNI 9006:2021 concerning Forest Tourism for Health Therapy.
Field observation research methods on environmental components include temperature and relative humidity, wind speed, light intensity, and negative ion content. Spatial analysis of slope through DEM data processing, vegetation density analyzed by NDVI method using Landsat 8/9 imagery. Determination of criteria weights using expert assessment methods Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) followed by environmental potential assessment using scoring techniques and overlay.
The results of the study show that at several points the Tahura Bunder area meets the standard criteria healing forest for medium to high vegetation density, it is 90.87% of the total area with temperatures ranging from 24.1ºC-27.7ºC, humidity 65%-93%, maximum wind speed 0.2 m/s. Flat to gentle slope is 46,03% of the total area, noise level is 48.9-51.7 dB and negative ion content, > 1000 ions/cm3. The thermal comfort level is optimal in the morning. Improved environmental quality healing forest what can be done is through enriching vegetation that suits the characteristics of the land to increase aesthetics and reduce the intensity of sunlight to reduce air temperature so as to increase the level of thermal comfort. As for location, preservative healing forest that can be recommended is the location by considering management direction based on function, designation, accessibility, security and availability of healing forest supporting facilities and infrastructure.
Kata Kunci : healing forest, taman hutan raya, iklim mikro, lingkungan, AHP