Model Penguatan Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Desa di Kawasan Bahaya Tanah Longsor Kecamatan Munjungan Kabupaten Trenggalek
Chelvin Abisheka Ubaydillah, Dr. Ir. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, S.T., IPU
2023 | Tesis | S2 Magist.Prnc.Kota & Daerah
The series of landslide disasters in Munjungan District, from year to year has had a massive loss impact. The impact that has occurred shows that inter-village preparedness is still questionable and is driven by the varying physical conditions and preparedness components of each region. The gap between preparedness components that have been widely used and the heterogeneity of regional characteristics, requires an updated way or method of identification, one of which is by modeling community-based preparedness. This study aims to formulate a model for strengthening the preparedness of village communities in the landslide hazard area of Munjungan District.
The type of research method used is the deductive mix-method. The research location is in the Munjungan District area with the scope of 11 villages included in the landslide prone area. The unit of analysis in this study is the community represented by the sample of households, so that the data collection technique uses questionnaires, interviews and field observations. The analysis technique uses the Spatial Analysis (GIS), multivariate statistical analysis including Exploratory Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis (K-Means). Evaluation of the community preparedness model was carried out using the Soft System Methodology technique to confirm the model that was formed and became the basis for the formulation of a model for strengthening village community preparedness.
The results of the study show that most of the people are in areas with a high level of landslide hazard, which tend to have low to moderate preparedness. Constructively, there are four factors that form community preparedness including community capacity, knowledge of evacuation facilities, emergency experience and community involvement. Some formulations of models for strengthening community preparedness that can be implemented are the development of evacuation facilities, age group literacy and optimization of the function of local communities as cultivators of community preparedness in Munjungan District.
Kata Kunci : Model, Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat, Bahaya Tanah Longsor, Munjungan