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INDAH PURWANTI, Lily Arsanti Lestari; Fatma Zahrotun Nisa’

2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar Belakang : Pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi saat ini  telah banyak merubah kebiasaan yang ada di masyarakat, termasuk juga pola konsumsi. Terutama situasi new normal seperti saat ini masyarakat direkomendasikan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan yang kaya protein. Protein berperan penting dalam fungsi kekebalan dan penurunan kerentanan terhadap infeksi. selama New Normal ini, telah merubah pola konsumsi masyarakat, sehingga apabila konsumsi protein menurun makan akan berpotensi terkena penyakit infeksi.

Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola konsumsi protein hewani dan kejadian penyakit infeksi masyarakat Bantul selama new normal

Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian cross sectional. Variabel yang akan diteliti yaitu pola konsumsi pangan sumber hewani dan kejadian penyakit infeksi di masyarakat dengan jumlah responden yaitu 106 orang. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terutama di Kabupaten Bantul.

Hasil : Penelitian ini menunjukkan ada perbedaan rata - rata asupan protein antara kelompok sakit dan tidak sakit yaitu p = 0,02. Rata - rata konsumsi protein  pada kelompok sakit sebesar 32,15 ± 6,30SD sedangkan pada kelompok tidak sakit 29,82 ± 6,46SD. 

Kesimpulan : Hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa ada perbedaan rata – rata asupan protein pada kelompok sakit dan tidak sakit. Pada responden yang sakit, ditemukan bahwa konsumsi protein lebih tingga dibandingkan responden yang tidak mengalami sakit

Background: The current COVID-19 pandemic has changed many habits in society, including consumption patterns. Especially in the new normal situation like now, people are recommended to consume foods that are rich in protein. Protein plays an important role in immune function and reduced susceptibility to infection. during this New Normal, people's consumption patterns have changed, so that if protein consumption decreases, there will be the potential for infectious diseases.

Objective: To find out how the pattern of consumption of animal protein and the incidence of infectious diseases in the Bantul community during the new normal

Methods: The type of research used is cross sectional research. The variables to be studied were consumption patterns of animal-sourced food and the incidence of infectious diseases in the community, with a total of 106 respondents. This research will be conducted in the Special Province of Yogyakarta, especially in Bantul Regency.

Results: This study showed that there was an average difference in protein intake between the sick and not sick groups, namely p = 0.02. The average protein consumption in the sick group was 32.15 ± 6,30SD while in the non-sick group it was 29.82 ± 6,46SD.

Conclusion: The results of the analysis found that there was a difference in average protein intake in the sick and not sick groups. In sick respondents, it was found that protein consumption was higher than in respondents not sick.

Keywords: Consumption patterns, animal protein, infectious diseases

Kata Kunci : Pola konsumsi, Protein hewani, penyakit infeksi

  1. S2-2024-466122-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-466122-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-466122-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-466122-title.pdf