Pacuan Kuda Ambal, Kebumen 1956-1998
Rizki Dian Saputra, Julianto Ibrahim, M.Hum.
2023 | Skripsi | ILMU SEJARAH
This research focuses on the development of horse racing in Ambal, Kebumen. The development process was seen from the beginning of horse racing in Ambal which was still pioneered by the Kalang People to the establishment of PORDASI (Persatuan Olahraga Berkuda Seluruh Indonesia) Kebumen. Thisresearch uses historical methods and utilization of primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include interviews with figures who have been directly involved in organizing horse races in Ambal, Kebumen and news published in contemporary newspapers. The limitation of this research period is between 1956 and 1998s. This was based on the initial consideration of holding horse races in Ambal in 1956 until it stopped for a year in 1998 due to riots in Kebumen.
This research contributes to the history of horse racing that has not been raised much by historians. Horse racing in Ambal, Kebumen can change social, economic, and cultural conditions in the region. Socially, horse racing can raise social status in society. Horses are considered high-value animals and if they can win a championship, the owner of the horse can be better known. In terms of economy, horse racing in Ambal can lead to new jobs in the form of land rental, the opening of food stalls, and the emergence of new professions such as pekathik (horse nurse), ngarit (grass seeker), jockey, and others. The existence of horse racing in Ambal, Kebumen also gave rise to a new culture, in the form of gambling and drinking parties.
Kata Kunci : Pacuan Kuda, Ambal, Orang Kalang, PORDASI Kebumen, Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya, Perjudian