Evaluasi Kesesuaian Penerapan Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik (CDAKB) pada Penyalur Alat Kesehatan (PAK) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Dimas Rizki Faluti, Dr. apt. Chairun Wiedyaningsih, M,Kes.,M. App.Sc. ; Dr. apt. Nanang Munif Yasin, M.Pharm.
2023 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen Farmasi
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh
kesulitan yang dialami oleh PAK Pusat di DIY dalam mendapatkan sertifikat CDAKB
dari Kemenkes RI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat
kesesuaian pelaksanaan kegiatan distribusi PAK Pusat di DIY terhadap standar
CDAKB dan memahami faktor yang memengaruhi tercapainya kesesuaian kegiatan
distribusi PAK Pusat dengan standar CDAKB. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif
evaluatif pada 20 PAK Pusat secara purposive sampling di DIY selama 3 bulan
Pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan
instrumen kuesioner dan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan pedoman wawancara
kepada PJT Alkes. Analisa data kuantitatif dengan perhitungan persentase
tingkat kesesuaian pelaksanaan 13 aspek standar CDAKB pada PAK Pusat, kemudian
dikategorikan dalam katagori sesuai dan belum sesuai, sedangkan data kualitatif
disajikan dengan menarasikan faktor yang memengaruhi tercapainya kesesuaian
dengan standar CDAKB.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat
kesesuaian kegiatan distribusi PAK Pusat di DIY terhadap standar CDAKB adalah
75%, sedangkan faktor yang memengaruhi kesesuaian kegiatan distribusi PAK Pusat
dengan standar CDAKB adalah karakteristik PAK Pusat, faktor manusia, faktor
sistem dan faktor lingkungan. Kesimpulan penelitian, masih terdapat
ketidaksesuaian kegiatan distribusi PAK Pusat di DIY dengan standar CDAKB dan
faktor yang memengaruhi kesesuaian perlu ditindaklanjuti dengan usaha
melaksanakan kegiatan distribusi sesuai standar CDAKB baik dari sisi
ketersediaan sarana-prasarana serta dokumen pendukung.
research was motivated by the difficulties experienced by the Central PAK in
DIY in obtaining a CDAKB certificate from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.
The aim of this research is to determine the level of conformity of the
implementation of Central PAK distribution activities in DIY to CDAKB standards
and to understand the factors that influence the achievement of conformity of
Central PAK distribution activities to CDAKB standards. The research design was
descriptive evaluative at 20 PAK centers using purposive sampling in DIY. The
quantitative approach uses a questionnaire and the qualitative approach uses
interview guidelines for PJT Alkes. Quantitative data analysis by calculating
the percentage level of conformity to the implementation of 13 aspects of CDAKB
standards in Central PAK, then categorized into categories of appropriate and
not appropriate, while qualitative data is presented by narrating the factors
that influence achieving conformity with CDAKB standards. The research results
show that the level of conformity of Central PAK distribution activities in DIY
to CDAKB standards is 75%, while the factors that influence the conformity of
Central PAK distribution activities to CDAKB standards are the characteristics
of Central PAK, human factors, system factors and environmental factors. The
conclusion of the research is that there is still a discrepancy between Central
PAK distribution activities in DIY and CDAKB standards and factors that
influence conformity need to be followed up with efforts to carry out
distribution activities according to CDAKB standards both in terms of the
availability of facilities and supporting documents.
Kata Kunci : CDAKB, PAK Pusat, Alat Kesehatan, Kesesuaian