Bima Tri Utama Boediman, Willy Abdillah, Dr., M.Sc.,
2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA
Kemitraan strategis maupun pembentukan joint venture menjadi pilihan yang cukup populer di dunia bisnis sebab baik kemitraan strategis maupun joint venture mengizinkan perusahaan untuk berbagi risiko dan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan dalam rangka masuk ke pasar baru.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui strategi diversifikasi yang dilakukan oleh PT. Angkasa Pura II dalam proses kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru di CGK, mengidentifikasi proyeksi kelayakan keuangan dari proyek kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru di CGK, mengetahui bagaimana PT. Angkasa Pura II membangun keunggulan korporat melalui kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru di CGK, serta mengidentifikasi strategi yang diterapkan oleh PT. Angkasa Pura II dalam rangka meminimalisir potensi risiko kegagalan dalam pelaksanaan kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru di CGK oleh PT. Angkasa Pura II.
Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metoda analisis deskriptif terhadap data primer melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap informan dari perusahaan terkait dan data sekunder berupa dokumen tertulis terkait strategi perusahaan. Proses analisis data melalui 4 tahap yaitu tahap pengorganisasian data, tahap reduksi data, tahap penyajian data, dan tahap mengambil kesimpulan dari data yang telah dikumpulkan.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi diversifikasi yang dilakukan oleh PT. Angkasa Pura II dalam proses kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru di CGK dilakukan melalui pengembangan JV Co. CGK Cargo Village yaitu membangun fasilitas kargo baru dalam rangka mengakomodasi pertumbuhan lalu lintas kargo yang signifikan. Berdasarkan analisis skenario profil kelayakan keuangan bahwa proyek kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru CGK layak secara keuangan dengan proyeksi IRR dan NPV positif. PT. Angkasa Pura II membangun keunggulan korporat melalui kemitraan strategis pengelolaan terminal kargo baru di CGK melalui strategi penerapan model bisnis Blended Model. Dalam rangka meminimalisir potensi risiko kegagalan, PT. Angkasa Pura II melalui mitigasi risiko dengan melakukan penilaian risiko menggunakan 5 kriteria atas dampak yang ditimbulkan.
Strategic partnerships and the formation of joint ventures are quite popular choices in the business world because both strategic partnerships and joint ventures allow companies to share the risks and resources needed to enter new markets.
This study aims to determine the diversification of strategies carried out by PT Angkasa Pura II in the strategic partnership process for the management of the new cargo terminal at CGK, identify the projected financial feasibility of the strategic partnership project for the management of the new cargo terminal at CGK, find out how PT Angkasa Pura II builds corporate excellence through partnerships strategy for managing the new cargo terminal at CGK, as well as identifying strategies implemented by PT Angkasa Pura II for the purpose of minimize the potential risk of failure in implementing the partnership strategy for managing the new cargo terminal at CGK by PT Angkasa Pura II.
Data analysis used in this study used descriptive analysis method on primary data through in-depth interviews with informants from related companies and secondary data in the form of written documents related to company strategy. The data analysis process goes through 4 stages, namely the data organizing stage, the data reduction stage, the data presentation stage, and the conclusion drawing stage from the data that has been collected.
The results of this study found that the diversification strategy carried out by PT Angkasa Pura II in the strategic partnership process for managing the new cargo terminal at CGK was carried out through the development of JV Co. CGK Cargo Village is building new cargo facilities to accommodate the significant growth in cargo traffic. Based on the scenario analysis of the financial feasibility profile, the strategic partnership project for the management of the new CGK cargo terminal is financially feasible with positive IRR and NPV projections. PT Angkasa Pura II builds corporate excellence through strategic partnerships for the management of the new cargo terminal at CGK through the strategy of implementing the Blended Business Model. In order to minimize the potential for risk failure, PT Angkasa Pura II through risk mitigation by conducting a risk assessment using 5 criteria for the impact.
Kata Kunci : Kemitraan Strategis, Cargo Village, Partnership, Joint Venture