Kajian Gagal Ginjal Kasus Ehrlichia sp. Pada Anjing
Yudhya sekar lolita, Dr. drh. Yanuartono, M.P.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Sain Veteriner
Kidney failure due to Ehrlichia sp.
is an infectious disease that attacks dogs of various breeds and ages. Kidney
failure infection due to Ehrlichia sp. It is multi-systemic and causes
disorders such as diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, respiratory problems and even
death. Mortality rate of kidney failure due to Ehrlichia sp. is classified as high so it requires an appropriate
diagnosis for the purposes of prognosis and therapy. This study aims to study
the clinical and laboratory features of kidney failure caused by Ehrlichia sp.. This study used 30 dogs
that were diagnosed with kidney failure based on clinical and laboratory
examinations. Laboratory examinations carried out include blood smear
preparation, rapid test, hematology, blood chemistry, ultrasound and PCR. The
data obtained was analyzed descriptively. A total of 30 samples showed positive
Ehrlichia sp. on blood smear and
rapid test examinations, however, PCR examination results showed positive
results on blood samples after treatment which only amplified 5 samples.
Several clinical symptoms identified include diarrhea, constipation, vomiting,
lethargy, uveitis, hemorrhage. Laboratory examination showed thrombocytopenia,
anemia, leukocytosis, eosinophilia, monocytosis and increased BUN and
creatinine values. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys shows atrophy, normal
size and even dilatation. Findings of clinical symptoms and severity of disease
depend on the species of Ehrlichia sp. involved and responding to immune hopes.
Kata Kunci : gagal ginjal, Ehrlichia sp, anjing, USG, hematologi, PCR