Fikri Ramadhan, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, S.Si., M.App.Sc.
2023 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
Mikroalga Euglena sp. merupakan mikroorganisme fotosintetik unggul dalam produksi lipid yang berpotensi sebagai bahan minyak goreng. Keunggulan Euglena sp. terletak pada kemampuannya beradaptasi di lingkungan perairan tercemar dan pertumbuhan cepatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan proses pemanenan, produksi, dan kualitas lipid serta biomassa dari kultur massal Euglena sp. dengan bantuan bioflokulan dari Pleurotus ostreatus. Kultivasi dilakukan dalam skala massal dengan total kultur 400 liter. Bioflokulan P. ostreatus dibuat dalam bentuk larutan dengan rasio optimal berdasarkan percobaan sebelumnya. Analisis lipid dan biomassa dilakukan menggunakan metode Bligh and Dyer dan gravimetri, sementara hasil panen diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dan heksana. Profil asam lemak dianalisis dengan Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS), dan kualitas lipid berdasarkan Asam Lemak Bebas (ALB) dan angka peroksida dibandingkan dengan Crude Palm Oil (CPO). Hasil menunjukkan perlakuan bioflokulan P. ostreatus dengan rasio 2:50 (v/v) selama 72 jam memberikan efisiensi flokulasi terbaik 68,9±2,52% dan kejernihan filtrat tertinggi dengan absorbansi 0,011 ± 0,005 pada 680nm. Perlakuan bioflokulasi meningkatkan biomassa dan produksi lipid masing-masing 14,85?n 37,31% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Lipid Euglena sp. dengan bioflokulan P. ostreatusmenunjukkan kualitas kompetitif dibandingkan dengan CPO, didominasi oleh asam lemak tidak jenuh tunggal (MUFA) yaitu oleat (81,43%), dengan ALB 1,58 ± 0,037?n angka peroksida 12,18 ± 0,44 mEq O2/kg. Penerapan bioflokulan P. ostreatus dapat mengoptimalkan potensi Euglena sp. sebagai bahan minyak goreng sehat dan ramah lingkungan.
Microalgae Euglena sp. is a superior photosynthetic microorganism in lipid production, potentially serving as a source of cooking oil. The advantage of Euglena sp. lies in its ability to adapt to polluted aquatic environments and its rapid growth. This research aims to enhance the harvesting process, lipid production, and quality, as well as biomass from mass-scale Euglena sp. culture using bioflocculant from Pleurotus ostreatus. Cultivation was conducted on a mass scale with a total culture of 400 liters. Based on previous experiments, P. ostreatus bioflocculant was prepared in solution form with an optimal ratio. Lipid and biomass analysis were performed using the Bligh and Dyer method and gravimetry, while harvested results were extracted using the maceration method and hexane. Fatty acid profiles were analyzed with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS), and lipid quality based on Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and peroxide value were compared with Crude Palm Oil (CPO). The results showed that the treatment of P. ostreatus bioflocculant with a ratio of 2:50 (v/v) for 72 hours provided the best flocculation efficiency of 68,9±2,52%and the highest filtrate clarity with absorbance 0,011 ± 0,005 at 680nm. Bioflocculation treatment increased biomass and lipid production by approximately 14.85% and 37,31% compared to the control. Euglena sp. lipids with P. ostreatus bioflocculant showed competitive quality compared to CPO, dominated by monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), namely oleate (81,43%), with FFA 1,58 ± 0,037% and peroxide value 12,18 ± 0,44 mEq O2/kg. The application of P. ostreatus bioflocculant can optimize the potential of Euglena sp. as a source of healthy and environmentally friendly cooking oil.
Kata Kunci : Euglena sp., Pleurotus ostreatus, GCMS, Angka Peroksida, Minyak goreng