Rizky Agung Lumintu, Ir. F. Eko Wismo Winarto, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Pada pekerjaan alat berat khususnya dump truk
memerlukan ketahanan mesin yang terjaga untuk menjaga kestabilan kinerja mesin.
Unit dump truk milik PT PP Presisi menggunakan cairan pendingin berupa air
sungai karena keterbatasan sparepart, hal ini berlangsung cukup lama yang
menyebabkan engine overheating. Dalam pekerjaan ini
kinerja dari sistem pendingin sangat berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas
kinerja dump truk.
Dalam mengumpulkan
data kerusakan overheating yang terjadi pada unit dump truk Hino
dutro 300, komponen yang akan diteliti yaitu sistem pendingin karena
ditemukan korosi dan penumpukan kerak maupun endapan. Penelitian dilakukan
dengan menganalisa pengaruh penggunaan cairan alternatif pengganti radiator
coolant. Pengujian yang dilakukan antara lain uji pH, uji total padatan
terlarut, uji oksigen terlarut dan uji efektifitas pendingin dari cairan
Hasil analisis
penelitian menunjukkan air reverse osmosis memiliki nilai pH 7 (netral), nilai
TDS 90 ppm, nilai DO 6.4 ppm dan memiliki nilai presentase efektifitas
pendinginan 18.5 %. Air hujan memiliki nilai pH 6.4 (asam), nilai TDS 171 ppm,
nilai DO 7.6 ppm dan memiliki nilai presentase efektifitas pendinginan 13.9 %.
Air sungai memiliki hasil dengan nilai pH 7 (netral), nilai TDS 276 ppm, nilai
DO 7.6 ppm dan memiliki nilai presentase efektifitas pendinginan 11.7 %. Dari
beberapa pengujian yang dilakukan media yang paling cocok dijadikan cairan
alternatif sistem pendingin mesin diesel adalah air reverse osmosis.
equipment work, especially dump trucks, requires maintained engine durability
to maintain stable engine performance so that the unit can always produce. The
dump truck unit belonging to PT PP Presisi uses a coolant in the form of river
water due to limited spare parts, this lasts quite a long time and continuous
use of the unit causes engine overheating. In this work the performance of the
cooling system greatly influences the effectiveness of dump truck performance.
collecting data on overheating damage that occurred on the Hino Dutro 300 dump
truck unit, the component that will be examined is the cooling system because
corrosion and buildup of scale and deposits were found. This research was
carried out by analyzing the effect of using alternative liquids to replace
radiator coolant if in the field there is no coolant according to the unit
specifications. Tests carried out include pH tests, total dissolved solids
tests, dissolved oxygen tests and cooling effectiveness tests of the coolant.
results of research analysis show that reverse osmosis water has a pH value of
7 (neutral), a TDS value of 90 ppm, a DO value of 6.4 ppm and has a cooling
effectiveness percentage value of 18.5%. Rainwater has a pH value of 6.4
(acid), a TDS value of 171 ppm, a DO value of 7.6 ppm and has a cooling
effectiveness percentage value of 13.9%. River water has a neutral pH value of
7, TDS value of 276 ppm, DO value of 7.6 ppm and has a cooling effectiveness
percentage value of 11.7%. From several tests carried out, the most suitable
medium to be used as an alternative fluid for a diesel engine cooling system is
reverse osmosis water.
Kata Kunci : reverse osmosis, cairan pendingin, uji ph, uji tds, uji do / reverse osmosis, coolant, pH test, TDS test, DO test